New beginnings (Deal with the devil pt 2)

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If there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time. I did not proof read this

Mini a/n listen to the song if you want ^ it's really nice. It has no relation to this imagine but I absolutely love it so I just wanted to share it with you guys

Recap :

"I can help you" said a deep voice in out of the dark corner of the room "Who's there" I said standing up "The important question is not who am I" he said as he walked out of the dark. The unknown figure was at least 6'2 and was wearing all black kind of like a shadow person. "It's what you're going to do about your dying daughter" he said looking up at me. His eyes were red and his gaze was like he was looking into my soul. " How do you know about my da-" I said as I was cut off by the dark figure "I know all and I see all" he said walking close to me "I'll make a deal with you" he said as he vanished into thin air and reappeared behind me "if I save your daughter, I have to get something into return" he said walking around me to finally face me. "What do you want in return" I asked " On her 18th birthday I'll come around and take her home with me where she'll live with me forever as my wife" he said "no I made a promise my wife that I would be the best father to her" I said upset "you don't really have a choice now do you" he said as the roses near the window turned black.

"Do we have a deal" he said as he extended his hand. I had to think fast. If I don't make the deal, my daughter will never live to see what life has in store for her but if she does, she's never gonna get to choose who she ends up with. It's life or death. "Have you made up your mind yet" the figure said smirking "I have" I said taking a deep breath "deal" I said as I shook his hand.

"You just made a deal with the devil" the figure said as he took off his hood and vanished into thin air.

What have I done?

~Now~ 18 Years Later

Landon's POV

Today's the day my baby girl leaves. I'll never forgive myself. I just hope one day she'll understand and come to forgive me.....

Your POV

Today is Halloween also known as my birthday (twinning). I can't believe I'm finally an adult. For that past month, my dad has been spoiling more than ever. I've told him numerous times that he doesn't need to do this but he always says that " he's filling in for my mother". How I wish I would've gotten the chance to have her hold me in her arms, even if it was only for a few minutes.

"Happy birthday baby girl" dad said kissing my forehead "what would you like to eat for breakfast?" He asked smiling "I would love absolutely nothing more to have breakfast with you but I have to get to work" I said as he threw me an apple "can we talk before you go?" He asked walking into the living room. I followed and sat beside him "dad you're starting to make we worry" I said looking at him "listen my beautiful girl. You mean the world to me and you've made both your mother and I very proud" "thanks dad" I said hugging him.

When he hugged back he was hugging me as if I were leaving him forever "No matter what happens I want you to know that I love you and that whatever decisions I've made in the past were with the intentions of your wellbeing. I want only the best for my little girl" he said as tears fell from his eyes "awe dad don't cry you're gonna make me cry" I said hugging him "I love you too no matter what" I said as a tear fell from my eyes.

He looked me in the eye, wiped my tears and kissed my forehead. He hugged me once more and I've never felt more safe in my life. "I have to go but I'll see you when I get home okay?" I said kissing his cheek and grabbing my purse "actually you're staying over at Jason's while I'm out of town remember?" he said as he grabbed a packed suitcase "the rest of your necessary belongings are already there. On my way to the airport I'll drop off the suitcase" he said hugging me one last time. "Be safe dad" "you too sweetie" and with that I got in my car and went on my way.

~ later that day after work ~

As I was on my way to Jason's house my car broke down. Since I was in a good mood I decided to let it go and just to walk due to me not being to far from his place. When I walked by the mini cemetery. Usually when I walk by there's no one in the cemetery but this time there was. I saw Jason.

I've known him all my life

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I've known him all my life. We went to the same school together and actually we had every class together since freshman year. Completely weird if you ask me but I always brush off the thought. Over the years we've bonded quite a bit and this past year we've somewhat formed a friendship .

"Hey Jase" I said walking up to him. He turned around and smirked at me "happy birthday baby girl" he said kissing my cheek. We both walked  to his house  talking about how our days went.

That night marked a milestone in my life. Not only did I turn 18 but I later found out Jason's intentions the following morning.

The next morning was such a blur. When I woke up we were in a different house and Jason wasn't wearing his normal style. He was wearing all black and his eyes weren't blue anymore, they were reddish orange like flames

"Welcome to your new home for the rest of your life y/n"





It's been a few months and I haven't heard from my dad since my birthday.

"Y/n you're needed downstairs. Master wants to talk to you" Kai, the only non cold hearted person that I've met so far in the place said outside my door. Although Jason and I haven't talked since I got to this place, I realized that because rude isn't gonna get me anywhere. I need answers and I need them now. "Coming" I yelled fixing up my makeup.

"Here goes nothing" I whispered to myself as I opened the door and walked downstairs

What does Jason want to talk to you about? Is he going to tell you the truth? Will you end up fall for him?? Will you ever be able to forgive your dad when the truth comes out?

A/n hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this part. I've been writing it since last night so I hope y'all like it. Um that's basically it for now. Let me know if you want part 3

Love y'all

~Olivia aka Liv

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