Loner Boy pt2

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If there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time


"You know" she said with a little smirk " he was checking you out"  I shook my head and rolled my eyes " If anything he was probably checking you out" I said " y/n just except the fact that he was checking you out. Every time you moved, his eyes followed" she said "how do you know that" I said stopping and looking at her " Y/n I saw him with my own two eyes" she said walking past me with a smile on her face.

" Maybe we'll meet again Loner Boy" I said catching up to her.

(Mini A/n before we get onto the second part of this imagine. I wanted to clear something up first. So the first part of Loner Boy was completely true, however this part is kind of what happened after ,how I was feeling after seeing him and how I'm feeling now about the situation and the rest will kind of be made up. Now without further ado let's get onto part 2)

Your POV

Have you ever seen someone and couldn't get them out of your head. I may sound crazy right now but I just can't explain the feeling. And no, I'm not in love. It's kind of like in that moment in time, I was starstruck. I'm not use to people checking me out. I'm use to being one of those girls that don't get attention often. Not that I'm complaining though cause I love doing my own thing but sometimes I wish instead of being the chaser, I could be the one being chased. You know what I mean?

I remember joking with Nikki about going to play ball with him cause he was alone. I guess there's times where I wish I could be gutsy and do things I regret not doing now.

Later that evening we decided to go to the movies and watch 47 Meters Down ( it was good movie I guess but the ending was way off from what I thought it would have been) and throughout the movie I kept finding myself zoning out. Little did I know Nikki obviously started to notice that as well "y/n what are you thinking about" Nikki said looking at me while eating a skittle " nothing I'm just um...... " "you're not thinking of him agai-" she started as I cut her off "no I was thinking about how dumb they are for going in that rusted cage" I said nervously laughing hoping she wouldn't notice that I wasn't necessarily saying the truth but not exactly lying either. She shrugged obviously knowing the truth and continued to watch the movie.

After 2 hours and some time the movie was over and we went to the arcade to play a couple of games before we headed back to her house to continue the sleepover we planned to have. When we got back it was about 10:45 pm and we went down to her basement once again and watch more Youtube videos and just talk.

The next day was Saturday aka the day I had to go back home. But we had a lot of time to kill before I had to head back so we decided to make the most of it. I first woke up around 9:45 to find a text message from my mom saying " Good morning darling" I quickly answered her even though I was 40 minutes late. We had a short conversation until I fell asleep again. Then I woke up again at 11 something I texted my mom again and then got up and did a little bit of my morning routine. Nikki and I were talking and decided to watch Supernatural until we got ready. After about 2 or so hours later we got dressed for the day and headed out to the park.

A little part of me was hoping that he would show up again but once we got outside, you could see why no one would want to go to the park in that type of weather. It looked like it was ready to pour. On the walk to the park I felt a couple of drops but we still headed to the park anyways. When we arrived, it stared to coming down a bit more but not to bad. we sat on the swings (yes even though it was raining) and talked. We went around the playground and then found our way back to the swings.

"You're looking out for him aren't you?" she said looking at me as I looked in the same direction he left in the previous day " no " I said still looking off into the distance " just thinking" I said as I felt the rain coming down a bit harder.

" hey I think we should head back now" and right after I said that there was thunder and lightning and then BAM it started pouring, with us outside with no protection from the rain and may I say that I decided to wear a romper and flats . We walked back to her house in the pouring rain. When we got there it didn't take to long dry off so from there we decided to wait it out and watch things on netflix. We ended up going back to the park and it was busy but still no sign of him......

"Loner boy where are you " I whispered to myself











A/N Hey guys that's it. I hope you guys liked this as much as I did. I enjoyed sharing this with you guys.




However its not done yet so get ready for the happy ending (I was hopping to happen but I ain't that lucky )

Nikki and I were walking back to her house because in a couple of hours or so I would be on my way back home. We were walking out of the parka and about to turn onto the sidewalk when out of know where I got knocked down.

"Oh I'm sorry" a deep voice said as a hand was extended out for me. I gladly expected the hand, as the stranger helped me regain my balance. "I'm usually not this clumsy" I said brushing off dirt and looking up to meet with a familiar face "it's okay" he said looking down at me "I wasn't paying attention to where I was going either" he spoke with a smile. "Umm well not to be rude or anything but we have to get going now" Nikki said as she got both of our attentions and started walking in the direction of her house. As I was about to catch up to her, I felt a gentle tug on my hand. I turned and was face to face with Loner Boy.

"Hey by chance were you here yesterday?" He asked me nervously "um yeah" I said feeling a bit nervous "why?" "I thought you were cute and I was wondering if maybe... I don't know... could get your number" he said a little embarrassed "y/n/n we have to go soon" Nikki yelled "sure it's ***-***-****"  I said walking backwards "I have to go now but text me" I said with a smile. I turned around and caught up with Nikki.

When we got back to her house I felt my phone vibrate.

Unknown: "Hey it's the guy from the park"

Y/n: "Hey Loner Boy"

Loner Boy: "why are you calling me Loner Boy ☹️"

Y/n: 1) I never got your name and 2) you gained the name Loner Boy because when I first saw you, you were playing ball alone"

Loner Boy: "ohh 😂😂"

Loner Boy: "well 1) my name is Justin and 2) I never got your name cutie"

Y/n: "yeah lol and my names Y/N"

From that night on, we texted a lot and even FaceTimed sometimes.

However that was just the beginning to our new found friendship.......

At least that's what we'll call it for now .......


Part 3?

Hey guys I hoped you liked this. I worked really hard on this even though there might be some mistakes. I tried to get this out to you guys as fast as I could especially since I've been gone for a while. I plan on updating a lot more but I have to finish writing requests from my Interracial imagine book, so if  you want to see more updates you might want to check that book out.

Love you guys

~Olivia aka Liv

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now