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Hey guys I need some advice on a situation that's been happening recently.

So lately I've been noticing my crushes friends acting really awkward around me. I'll give a little back story on everything.

So I've liked this guy let give him the name "Jace" for quite some time now. We went on the same geography trip and I thought he was cute. Long story short I found out at that point he had a girlfriend and moved on. Keep in mind that this trip was in October. So fast forward to our geography exam which was in late January. That was the day that Jace found out that I liked him due to this guy basically going up to him and saying " hey this girl thinks you're hot, you should go talk to her". So me being somewhat annoyed because he told my crush I thought her was good looking even though I told him ( the guy who told jace) not to tell him so what did I do?I walked away. Fast forward a bit I end up meeting up with my best friend who witnessed everything go down and told me to meet her in the arcade. So that's just what I did but told her that if I find him there, I'm going home. Now that I look back at that, I most definitely wouldn't have handled the situation that way but anyways back to the point. Long story short when I got there he was no where to be found or so I thought. I calmed myself down because I was expecting to see him but my calmness didn't last long because he walked into the arcade not to long after. We were at the playing the basketball game and he walked in and I was trapped because there is only one way out of the arcade. We basically ended up talking and he called me cute.

So let's fast forward to when the weirdness started happening.

I went to the park with my friend one Friday evening in June or late May and I saw Jase and his group of friends. Since it's a pretty long story I'm gonna shorten it so what ended up happening was my friend and I were on the soccer field hanging from the polls and Jace ended up copying us.

From that point on I started to wonder if they knew I still liked Jace. Late June before school ended I stopped liking him and started liking him again once school started up again this year.

First encounter with Tyler and Jase

His friend "Tyler" is in my first period class along with another one of his friends and I always catch Tyler looking at me from time to time. There was a time in the library our class was working on our presentation and I was listening to our teacher talk about the project so I was looking at her and I caught him staring at me and the whole time I was listening to our teacher he kept staring. That happened a couple of weeks ago and that Friday was considered a skip day so I wasn't expecting him to show up.

Boy, was I wrong. He and his other friend showed up to first period and decided to sit close to me which I found a little odd because basically there were a bunch of empty spots but tried to pay no mind to them. I ended up moving from where I was but before moving, I overheard them saying that "he's on his way" but decided to ignore it cause it's none of my business. But I later found out who "he" was. It was no other than Jase himself. Now let me explain why I'm mentioning this. You see Jase and his friend are the type of guys who say they're going to the "bathroom" and comes back 20+ minuets later.

So in my head I'm like "if you always leave the class to go see him or whatever why make him come to the library. Keep in mind like I mentioned before that it was a skip day so the library was pretty empty. Jase walked to were my previous spot was and talked to Tyler and his other friend until he backed up, turned in my direction, looked dead at me, then turn back to his friends. A few moments later I get up to check if my phone is still charging which just so happens to be beside Jase so I got up, checked my phone quickly, sat back down and got back to work. That's when Tyler and Jase both left together. That left me trying to figure out why he made Jase come in the library if Tyler and him were just gonna leave not to long after.

Second encounter with just Tyler

The next week, Monday was a holiday so when Tuesday came around decided to tell one of my best friends what went down. My best friend Mia and I had last period together so after class was done we walked to her locker together.

One of my good friends was at her locker and I saw Tyler on the opposite side so that's when my plan went into motion. I went up to my friend while Mia walked behind and watched. I walked back to my best friend and asked her if she got the proof she needed and she nodded her head while laughing. I finally got someone else other than myself to catch him in the act.

Third encounter with Tyler and my Guy best friend "J"

So my guy best friend and I have been friends for a little over 3 years now. He's also friends with Jase,Tyler and his whole friend group. It was during last period and I was walking around with one of my good friends "Kay" because we had nothing else to do due to us being ahead of the class. We ended up bumping into "J" who also happened to be with Tyler at the time. I over heard Tyler saying "she doesn't like me" and walking away. I felt so back after hearing that because I've know Tyler for just as long as I've know J. Actually I use to talk to Tyler when we had science together but that was a while ago (I'm talkin like 3 years ago) anyways I told my best friend who later came to the conclusion that she thought that Tyler may have a little thing for me but I completely shut that down.

Final encounter with Jase and his whole friend group

So this is the last encounter up to date.

It happened last Wednesday. We went back to the library for our final period to work on our projects. I was one of the first people in our class to get to the library so I got to choose where I wanted to sit. I sat 3 computers in and left room for my other two friends to join me. One again keep in mind that there was still many spots available. After I got seated and logged in I saw Tyler and his other friend sit right beside me. I honestly didn't do much that work period because they if I typed something, they'd look at me and it made me feel weird. Anyways, Tyler got up (and when somewhere and he same two computers down from me and could clearly see me in his view if I were to type on the computer) and left the library and not to long after he left Jase walked in and sat in his spot. As this is all going down I'm over there thinking " don't you have class to be in". I knew that I had to at least do some work so I fixed up what I could but turned back to my friends because I felt him and his other friend staring at me. Then his other friend walks in along with Tyler and I'm just sitting there getting more uncomfortable. I'm wondering why they're all here like "go to the bathroom" and walk around with your friends.

Thursday last period, Kay and I were going to the water fountain and along the way walked by 2 of Jase's friends. One that was in my first period and the other one I had in my class last year. When we walked past them, you could feel the awkwardness through the air I kind you not. After we walked away I stopped Kay and asked her if that was awkward (she knew of everything that's been going on) and she turned to me and said "dang liv you make everything awkward" and we both started laughing.

I need advice guys. Idk what to do because they just get so weird around me. What do you guys think I should do?

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