It was always you pt 1

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Your P.O.V
Today my boyfriend Blake and I are double dating with Justin and his girlfriend Stephanie. Justin and I have been best friends since we were in grade 4 and ever since I met him I've always had a mini crush on him.

Now we're both 20 and my feelings for him have become stronger. Justin is 8 months older than me and next month he'll be 21 but since he's starting tour soon we wanted to have an early birthday dinner.

I wish it was just me and Justin going for dinner. I don't really like his girlfriend she's so fake and she's only using him for his fame and money. I know you might think I'm jealous which I kinda am but it's the truth and I know I can't tell Justin because he's to in love with her and I don't want to see him hurt.

Right now it's 8:30 pm and I'm waiting for Blake, Justin and his "girlfriend" to show up. We're all going in a limo that's going to pick us up at 8:45. I heard the front door open, since I was upstairs I knew everyone was hear because I heard them all talking.

B: babe are you almost done the limo is outside
Y: I'll be down in a minute
I decided to wear a long purple dress (picture is in part 2) knowing that it would get Justin's attention.
I put on my black high heels and walked downstairs.

When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw Blake and Justin staring and Stephanie just rolled her eyes and pulled Justin in for a kiss. She did that to make me jealous since she knows I have a mini crush on him and I hate to say it but it's kinda working but I'm not going to let it show. We all walked outside and I locked the door and walked to the limo with my arms linked to Blake's.

A/n so how did you like the first part??? Comment and let me know.
I'm gonna update later

-Olivia aka Liv

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