Im sorry (sad)

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Justin was gonna propose to Selena and me being me, I didn't stand by that at all

"Justin you can't be serious" I said walking down the stairs trying to catch up to him " y/n it's not your decision and I thought u would support me" "Justin you don't get it" "Get what y/n that you've always  been jealous of ever thing and everyone. No wonder no one loves you you're just another waste of space- oh Y/n I didn't mean that it's just that I'm-" "you're what!? to busy only thinking about yourself. Sorry I'm such a waste of space I'll be going now oh and Justin I've been in love with u for 4 years now but now I see that you're definitely not the same person I fell for" and with that I left.

Justin POV
That was the last time I talked to y/n actually I was the last person to talk to y/n. She killed herself that day and it was all my fault. I knew how she felt about herself and me saying what I said didn't help the situation. I can't live knowing that I was the reason my first love and best friend died. I'm sorry world but if she's not here neither can I.

No ones POV
On the news:
"Pop star Justin Bieber was found dead 4 hours after his best friend y/m/l committed suicided in his bathroom from what we believe was an overdose. We also found a suicided letter stating that he couldn't live knowing what went down earlier today. He also stated that he loved y/n more than a best friend but messed up badly. R.I.P to both of them and we are wishing our condolences to the families. That's all with this case for now, stay tuned for any new updates. I'm Lisa Queen and that's you're hourly news"

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