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Hey guys it's been a while but I got the inspiration to write today. If there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time.  This once a bit shorter but nonetheless I hope you guys enjoy it

Your POV

They're back at it again. The arguments that lead to all yelling and screaming and it can be so overwhelming sometimes. Their relationship was always rocky but they tried to keep it together for the sake of us kids, however, like most things, it came to it's breaking point.

My parents were once again arguing and I don't think it's because they're mad at each other, I just think that they've gotten tired of trying to reignite an old flame that just can't be fixed. I know as well as them that the love they once had has finally disappeared and holding on to it isn't healthy. It's not healthy for them or us. But this argument was the loudest and to be quite honest with you, it frightened me.

It frightened me so much to the point where tears were slowly spilling out of my eyes without me even noticing. It was at that point where I knew I needed to get out of the house and I knew exactly who I needed to call.

"Hey J" I said into the phone as Justin picked up not even 2 ring after I started calling. "Hey babe are you okay? You sound like you've been crying" he said in a concerned voice "it's happening again" I said trying not to break down again " I'm On The Way"  he spoke softly into the phone "just hang on there babe, I'll be there soon and remember I love you" he spoke once more. "I love you too" I said before the line went dead. I don't know what I'd do without him

A/n I hope you guys enjoyed this one.
I thought it was super cute and it made me super happy to update once again.

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