Wrong soul mate

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*•••• A/n this was inspired by Halloween aka my birthday so I decided to make an imagine about it. Justin is not famous in this imagine. There will probably be a lot of parts. Anyways I'll let u guys read on.••••*

Hey I'm y/n and I'm a vampire. As u might know all vamps have soul mates and mine just so happens to be Justin Bieber the leader of another tribe. Justin knows this as well but he's dating a werewolf. Her name is Kendall (not hating on Kendall). Justin and her have been on and off for the past 2 years now. I'm also a leader of a tribe.
I have a boyfriend as well his name is Blake and he's also a werewolf but I'm in love with Justin. Justin and I are supposed to get married so our tribes will be at peace. But that's not gonna happen if he stays with Kendall. I'm starting to get hungry which means it's hunting time.

"That's about it" I said to myself as I put my journal under my bed and in its hidden spot. "Y/bff/n lets go bæ I'm getting hungry" I said as I walked downstairs in my tight black outfit. I was one of the prettiest vamps in over 1 million years. All long time right. "Dang girl u get prettier and prettier everyday" y/bff/n said as he hugged me " girl you're just as pretty as I am" I said which is true because she's not only my best friend she's my half sister. "You ready" I said as I locked the door. "Ready as ever" she said as we ran into the forest of mystery. In the forest anything can happen.

We ran faster than anything alive. We finally stopped as we walked behind the deer that was eating and took it by surprise then drained all its blood. It was so good but I know my limits of blood. As we finished about 5 vamps from Justin's tribe were surrounding us. Then Justin walked past them. "That was our pray y/n" he said as his fangs came out. " really cause by the looks of it y/bff/n and I got to it way before u showed up" I said as I was getting ready to walk away. "y/bff/n run" I said and watched her do as she was told.
"Are you sure sis" she said and I replied with a nod. Justin grabbed my hand and ran off with me.

1 hour later

We were sitting on a branch in silence until Justin finally said something and broke the silence. " y/n I like u" Justin said as he looked off into the distance. I just sat there for a few minutes admiring all of his features.
"I like you too Justin" I said as looked to him. You could tell that our bond was getting stronger and stronger by the minute. You see Justin and I have been doing this for the past year just sitting and talking. We do truly like each other but we're with other people. Vampires are aloud to have 2 soul mates but only one of them actually work out.

Justin grabbed my hand and together we jumped from tree to tree trying to find a cabin. When we finally got to the cabin we jumped from the tree to the ground in a blink of an eye. We walked inside and the next thing I knew I was pinned up against the wall. I was about to speak but was cut off by lips on mine. Justin's lips tasted like strawberry. Then the next moment I was thrown on the bed and Justin got on top of me.

The next morning

I woke up next to Justin. In every way possible this felt right. When I turned around I was face to face with my true soul mate. I quick got up took a shower then got dressed. When I went back to the room I saw Justin smiling. He looked at me and his smile got bigger.
" hey baby" he said with his morning voice. " hey jay" I said as I sat on the bed. He pulled me down and started kissing my neck. We had a bond so strong that nothing could destroy it.

3 hours later

Justin finally let me go. I had so business to take care of. I called Blake over and told him that we were over. He wasn't sad, nor was he upset , it was almost like he knew but didn't. He left and said the most harshest words " I'll get my revenge, it may not be now but I will get my revenge.

3 months later

Justin and I got married and found out that I was 4 months pregnant. Till this day I still haven't told Justin what Blake said and I think it's finally time to tell him. "Justin can u come here for a minute" I said as I sat on the couch. "Y/n are you okay, is the baby okay " he said as he rushed into the room. "yes we're both okay but there's something I need to tell u" " okay what is it" he said as he sat beside me " you remember how I was with Blake before" "the baby isn't his is it " "no Justin it's yours. It's just that he told me something that I think I should have told u" Justin looked concerned "what did he say "
"He said that he was gonna get revenge on me" I said as I looked down. " I won't let him touch u or our baby. A matter of fact I won't let anyone harm u or our little one. You guys both mean the world to me and I won't Stand for ANYONE hurting u or our tribe" " your gonna be a great dad J" "you're gonna be a great mom too y/n"

That was part 1 comment and vote and let me know your opinion on this. Btw that part was exactly 1000 words and it took 2 hours to write. If there are any mistakes I apologize. Love you all and have a great day.

Olivia aka Liv

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now