Deal with the Devil (Jason McCann)

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If there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time. It gets a bit sad in the beginning so I'm giving you guys a heads up just in case.


Nothing is worse then selling something meaningful and so special to get something you want weather it's money or something else. People get what they want by doing stupid things all the time but is selling your daughter to the devil the right way to go.....

Landon's POV ( your father)
~18 years ago~

"Please someone help her please she's dying" I yelled pushing my now dying wife through the hospital in a wheelchair. I was devastated due to the fact that my wife and unborn child would both die and leave me. I'd loose the chance to raise her and teach her how to fight off Boys and learn about her first heart break and I'd miss the chance to tell her that everything's gonna be alright.  "Sir you're gonna have to wait here" said one of the nurses as another one pushed my wife into one of the rooms. Everything was going in slow motion. Hours passed and the only good news was that my daughter y/n was born but they said that they're not sure  she'll make it the night.
I sat in a chair right beside my wife's body waiting to hear the results until I heard my wife speak "Landon" she said with a weak voice "I know I'm not going to make it but you have to take care of her" she said with tears falling "what about you" I said crying "I've been struggling for so long and you know that. I know it's gonna be hard at first but she needs you and I need you to be the best dad you can be" she said as she reached out to grab my hand "I'll be watching down on both of you. You'll both be fine as long as you take care of each other" she finished as she kissed me one last time. She was gone. The love of my life was gone and now my baby girl might be gone soon too. "God please help my baby girl. I can't loose her too" I said crying.

"I can help you" said a deep voice out of the dark corner of the room "Who's there"  I said standing up "The important question is not who am I" he said as he walked out of the dark. The unknown figure was at least 6'2 and was wearing all black kind of like a shadow person. "It's what you're going to do about your dying daughter" he said looking up at me. His eyes were red and his gaze was like he was looking into my soul. " How do you know about my da-" I said as I was cut off  by the dark figure "I know all and I see all" he said walking close to me "I'll make a deal with you" he said as he vanished into thin air and reappeared behind me "if I save your daughter, I have to get something into return" he said walking around me to finally face me. "What do you want in return" I asked " On her 18th birthday I'll come around and take her home with me where she'll live with me forever as my wife" he said "no I made a promise my wife that I would be the best father to her" I said upset "you don't really have a choice now do you" he said as the roses near the window turned black.

"Do we have a deal" he said as he extended his hand. I had to think fast. If I don't make the deal, my daughter will never live to see what life has in store for her but if she does, she's never gonna get to choose who she ends up with. It's life or death. "Have you made up your mind yet" the figure said smirking "I have" I said taking a deep breath "deal" I said as I shook his hand.

"You just made a deal with the devil" the figure said as he took off his hood and vanished into thin air. What have I done.

A/n ( I did not read over this over so if there are any mistakes I apologize) I hope you guys enjoyed this. I know it's not the normal type of thing I write but I just wanted to see what you guys thought about it. I'll try to update soon. I love you guys so much and I'm super thankful for all of you who still read and enjoy my book.

~Olivia aka Liv

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