Mine again (Jason McCann)

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This was in my other book but I wanted to keep the theme going so I have both the previous and this imagine together.

If there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time.

Your POV

I-I can't believe it. Who knew that walking downtown on such a lovely evening could make you lose all your freedom. I now have to live under a new name due to what I witnessed. He was so intriguing, you know the quiet but deadly type of guy. He's the type to get a girl one day, make her feel like she's something special then take away everything that made her happy including her freedom. He kidnapped tons of girl. Few were found before he killed them but many weren't that lucky. He's not a guy you want to come face to face with but it's just my luck because that exact thing happened to me.

Walking down the streets of LA were gorgeous especially when the sunset was showing. I have to be honest with you, I'm hot the type to usually walk by myself especially at this time of day but I had a lot on my mind and I really wanted my favourite drink from Starbucks. Although my buildings wasn't that far from Starbucks it wasn't the closest thing either but the walk was well needed. As I left Starbucks that's when things got bad. I was walking across the street and heard two voices talking and thought it was nothing until I heard a noise that sounded like a gunshot. So I quickly entered 911 in to my phone and pressed the call button. As I was on the phone, me being the idiot I was, went to check because I was curious but u know what they say "curiosity killed the cat" and in this case I could've been that cat. When I walked further down the street I saw a man who had to at least be my age ( I'm 18) or in his early 20 laying their barely breathing due to a gunshot to the stomach. I was still on the phone with the police during this time so I was explaining everything and was also trying to talk to the man. I looked around for the other man but he was nowhere in sight. By the time the police and ambulance showed up the man said he wanted me to remember this name "Jason McCann". Where have I heard that name I said questioning myself before my eldest brother James showed up to question me. Yes my brother is a police officer and I know what you may be thinking "why didn't you call him first" there's simple explanation for that: HE'LL NEVER LET ME GO ANYWHERE BY MYSELF. "What is wrong with you" he said obviously ticked off "I was getting a drink from Starbucks duh" I said stating the obvious due to me still holding my cup "don't get smart with me young lady" he said raising his voice "don't want to lose you like we lost mom and dad" he said looking down. You see our parents we're exactly the safest people due to them both being police officers. They were the best at what they did unit their death last year. "What happened here?" He said with stern voice. I explained everything and when I mentioned Jason's name everything went quite. "Take her out of here Now" my brother said. "What's going on" I said as I was being pushed into the passenger seat of Mel's (my brothers girlfriend) car. "Take her home safe" he said as he kissed me on the cheek. She started the car and drove off "Mel what's happening?" I asked starting to get scared "Jason is the most wanted criminal in the world" "and" I said wanting to know why they want me home super fast "now that u technically witnessed his crime he's gonna come after you" she said as we pulled up to my building. What. Have. I. Gotten. Myself. Into. I was scared but remembered that I've met Jason before. Him and I use to go out but ended things before he got abusive "Once you get to your apartment lock your door and don't let anyone in unless u know them" she said as I shaking my head showing that I understood.

When I got to my door I opened and got in as fast as I could to be face with......



My other older brother Jamie. I felt my heart beat slow down as I heard him speak " sorry sis I didn't mean to scare you" he said pulling me into a hug. "James called and told me what happened. He said I wasn't suppose to leave you but you're out of food so I have to run and get to some food. I won't be gone to long. Once I walk out that door shut it and go to your room and lock it. I'll text you when I'm here okay " he said as he kissed me and opened the door. Once he left I locked the door and ran to my room. I decided to watch a bit of Netflix and then take a nap. 20 minutes later I heard things being smashed and my door handed jiggling. I texted Jamie to see if he was home but he said he just got to the store so I told him what happened and he said he was on his was home. When I ran to my walk in closet I ran to the little room James made just in case I was ever in this situation. It was small but I had enough room to move. It was basically another room but no one knew about it because my room is the only way to get into it. He made one sided window so I could see into my room closet which is kinda Creepy but is aiming in handy. So when I got into the room I pushed everything in front of the door and just in time too because I heard my door open. "Come out y/n I know you're here he said pacing around the room. "I bet your in the closet" he said as he broke the door. I could see him through the window but he couldn't see me. He let out a loud noise before speaking again "if you are here" he paused as he started moving some of my clothes " you better not testify against me" he said before walking away. About a week later that man I met passed away due to the amount of blood he lost.

Later that month they ended up finding Jason and I indeed testified against him. He kept glancing at me every so often. As I sat there uncomfortable, they called a short recess. When I got up I had to walk beside Jason to leave because I wasn't needed anymore. When I walked past him he lightly touched my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. I could feel his hot breath as he spoke " no matter where you hide or where you go y/n I will find you and I'll make you mine again" he said as he kissed my cheek and slapped my butt. My brother was about to punch Jason but was held back by two of his fellow police officers. Jason sat back down and had a smirk on his face.

A/n hey guys I hoped you liked this. I did not proof read this however I will when I get a chance. I've been keeping this imagine for a while so I really hoped you guys liked this. I'm going to try and update again soon.

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