Stress ( short imagine)

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If there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time.

Your POV

Justin was going on tour for 6 months and tonight was our last night together. I have to admit that I was getting a bit insecure due to him being surrounded by beautiful girls that probably have more to offer him then I ever could. I told him how I felt and he said to give him 4 hours before I could go into our home studio.

"Baby you can come in now" Justin yelled from the studio. I walked to the studio and heard a song playing. I've never heard this song before and he normally lets me hear his unreleased songs.

"Come sit" he said patting his lap. I did as I was told and he played the song that I heard a few seconds before.

(Idk if these are the actual lyrics)

You're the only girl that I see
I'm the only guy that you need
And there's a viable term in me
Said you want this
Don't text, take a deep breath
'Cause I don't need you to stress, hey hey
Baby, don't stress (my favourite part)
Stress out over me

~a few seconds later~

"So what do you think" he said in a nervous tone "J this is amazing" I said placing a kiss on his cheek "I wrote this for you" he said looking at me "you told me how you felt and I wanted you to know that our love isn't temporary" he said kissing me passionately

A/n I know this is really short. I know this kinda sucks but I only posted it because of the song. I thought this was short but cute so I hope you guys liked it.

Love you guys  and thank you for almost 100k views. You guys are truly amazing

~Olivia aka Liv

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now