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This is my opinion so please no hate.

So I was supposed to see Justin and I'm sad but it's whatever I guess. There's nothing I can do about it. If there's something wrong, I hope he's okay.

I'm gonna be 100 with y'all because I'm not gonna sugar coat the fact that I'm upset cause I am but I kinda disappointed that he couldn't tell us himself. He doesn't owe us anything and I know that  but it still would've been nice to hear it from him.

For those hating on him, I understand millions of people are disappointed and I am as well but he's human too and especially in situations like this we tend to forget that. We can't be selfish though. It would have been my first official concert and I've been dying to see him. I had to beg my mom to go not to mention that the tickets are cheap. Heck it was the only thing I was really looking forward to  this summer but not everything works out in our favours sometimes.

Look I'm not sticking up for him but if there's a legitimate reason, I hope that he's getting through it with a positive mindset and that things work out in his favour but if not he should at least let his supporters know the truth instead of letting TMZ make him look like he's "over it". Many have been with him through everything and the least we could get in return is an explanation. Like I said before this is my personal opinion so please don't hate on me.

I've seen a lot of posts today that broke my heart. Some were about parents trying to surprise their kids with his tickets and I even saw one of this girls brother saving all his money to get her that ticket for her birthday. It's sad. Yes.  But we have to move on and think of this as a learning  experience. It may not be the best but we must be grateful for the things we have.

At the end of the day we're all humans with emotions. We can't control the things that happen around us no matter how much we want to. However we can take them and learn from them.

Love y'all

~Olivia aka Liv

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