No Comparison

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I'm baaaack y'all

As y'all know if there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time

Your POV

"Be like her. Sing like her. Help like her. Dance like her. Be pretty like her. Why can't you be her?"

 Why can't you be her?"

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(Her ^)

All battles I face but why? Sorry to break it to you but I'm one of a kind for a reason. I look in the mirror as I check out my reflection. How is it that we're always so quick to point out our flaws instead of complementing ourselves. I'll never understand it but I pay victim to it. My whole life I've been faced with having my insecurities rule what I did and overall affect my decisions. I never thought that I was good enough and I'll full out say it (this is honestly me. I try to be more positive like when I look in the mirror I try to complement myself more  but some days it's hard to do so. Every now and then I still feel like I'm just not pretty enough) That's until I met him.

He was a mystery I was more than willing to solve.  He opened my eyes and made me feel that confidence I lacked. But with that came a blessing and a curse. When you're in a relationship, you open up and tell your basically all your weaknesses. Little did I know that would come with this curse.

Long story short Justin cheated on me. I found out and confronted him about it. To my surprise he admitted it to me and not gonna lie but she was extremely pretty- "uh y/n so are you" "ya boo have you seen yourself" "what a baddie" my friends said in unison as we all laughed. "Can y'all shush for 1 minuets so I can explain what happened" "ight but I'm tempted to fight this-" everyone looked a Ella as we attempted to hold our giggles in "okay okay just wait till I get to the good part" I said trying to remember where I left off "okay so what happened was"

~Flash back~

"Y/n I'm sorry" he said as I rolled my eyes "that line is probably as old as Romeo and Juliet" I said grabbing my belongings which wasn't a lot cause I didn't live with him, and tried to leave but of course he blocked my way "come on y/n/n I'm sorry honestly. It was just a kiss and it meant nothing" he said pulling me in. Little does he know that I know what's really been going on. One thing I'm not gonna do is let him see me cry so I played his game. I pretended to accept it and cuddled in bed with him till he passed out. I slowly got out of his grip and walked to the front with my bags. Since he wanted to play with my heart, I took a picture he had up of us together from our anniversary and took out my lipstick and wrote

"All good things must come to the end"

And with that I left

~End of flash back~

"Girl you played him good for a girl who can't act if her life depended on it" Myra said as we all bursted out in laughter. My phone lit up and 

"Who's that" Ella said with a concerned face "it's not him is it- " "no no it's just my cousin asking to borrow this outfit I bought the other day

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"Who's that" Ella said with a concerned face "it's not him is it- " "no no it's just my cousin asking to borrow this outfit I bought the other day. I'll call her later tho" I said putting my phone away.

When I got home I texted him

"I'ma drink up, I'ma smoke some'
Keep it moving, it was nice to know ya
Boy watch me leave
You ghost to me
Wish you good luck being lonely
I'ma push red every time you phone me
You bout to be
A memory" and hit send

I smiled to myself as I opened my group chat with the girls

"Lets hit up a club tonight" I said and within seconds got a reply

"Heck ya"
"Y/n's driving"
"Get ready I'll see y'all in an hour" I text as I locked my phone

"Heck ya" "Y/n's driving" "Get ready I'll see y'all in an hour" I text as I locked my phone

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I got my sister to take a pic of me for my instagram with the caption

"Here's to new beginnings"

I learned a lot from Justin
Rule 1: don't depend on others to always provide your happiness
Rule 2: you're beautiful
Rule 3: don't be her. Be you!

A/n I hope y'all like this. I'm honestly tempted to write other imagines cause I'm running out of ideas for Justin so ya. Like I said I would be updating but I'm not sure if I want to end this book and do a new one or just continue. Anyways I'll talk to y'all soon

~ Olivia aka Liv

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now