Now or Never

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Hey guys I am back with another update. The second part for my other imagine is being worked on but I'm not sure when I'll finish it. I hope you guys enjoy this imagine.

If there are any mistakes I apologize ahead of time.

Your POV

"Come on guys it's not that big of a deal" I said shutting my locker as my friends continued to gather their stuff from their lockers. "Y/n you've had a crush on him since the ninth grade, what do you mean it's not a big deal" my friend Kay said  shutting her locker  " Listen boo" Layla said placing her hand on my shoulder "What we're trying to say is that you've like Jason for quite some time now and you haven't made a move yet. Babe since that "incident" in the ninth grade you guys haven't talked since and we want what's best for you" she finished as she closed her locker. "Which is why you can find someone wayyyyy better" Jasmine said as we walked towards the stairwell . "Y/n don't listen to her. You can't help who you fall for" Nicky said as she pushed the stairwell door open.

Truth be told, I know that I should move on because nothings happening and I'm just wasting my time but every time I try, for example every time we go on summer vacation, I forget all about Jason or.....  so I think. When we come back and I see him, everything goes back to the way it was like nothing ever happened.

I'm now in the eleventh grade and my feeling for Jason are the same. Ever since ninth grade, I've been getting weird signals from him. First it was him and his friends showing up at places when I'm there, which never use to happen, to his friends eyeing me down like  I killed someone. Two of his best friends just so happened to be in my first period and my teacher decided to give use library time because we had an upcoming essay due, so me being the goody two shoes I am, took that opportunity to get started right away. She gave use two day and both days, his friends would sit beside/close to me and called him to the library.

It got so bad that Layla and I even started to bet on how many times he would pass by because she thought that he would only go places because I was there.  For example, one day we were at my locker getting ready to go home when Jason walked by. The thing is not only is his locker on the opposite side of the school but it's also not on the same floor as mine. Now tell me why would he go all the ways around to go to his locker when there are many ways to get him there  faster.

As Layla would say " Y/n I only ever see him when I'm with you"  and ( If i were to say that he was looking at her instead of me she'd freak out)  sooner or later, I started to slowly realize was true. (this part ^ is all true btw) But as first semester's ending slowly approached, He stared to avoid me. I took that as a sign and started to avoid him as well and that's what lead up to our conversation. Little did I know what was soon to come for me.

~Skip buying Lunch~

"Hey Y/n " My best guy friend Justin said as him and his friends, which Jason just so happened to be one of them,walked up to us. "Oh hey J" I said as he hugged me " Listen Y/n can I talk to you for a second" Justin said  as I looked to my friends who nodded their heads in approval. "Yeah sure" I said getting up, following Justin. When we finally got away from everyone, He finally spoke. "Okay so here's the deal, Jason wants to talk to you." My heart skipped a beat as he said that "Why didn't he come to me himself" I asked folding my arms "I don't know, I'm just helping my dude out" he said walking off "where are you going " I asked as he continued to walk in the direction we came from " I'm going to get him" He said disappearing behind one of the walls. And there I was standing alone in the middle of the hallway lookin stupid. Although I trust J, I just never got the courage to tell him that I liked one of his friends. I just didn't want anything change. I took out my phone to check a couple of text messages and heard Justin and Jason talking as they approached me. I took a deep breath and looked up at them. "Well I'll be going now. See ya Y/n/n" Justin said walking away just leaving Jason and I alone.

"Hi Jason" I said shyly due to me trying to keep my nerves in check. " Hey Y/n Listen about all of this I'm sorry  I didn't approach you myself" he said blushing a bit.

What's going to happen with Jason and Y/n?

Will sparks fly between the two?

A/n hey guys I hoped you enjoyed this. My question for you guys is

1) do you want to have another part for this                  

Anyways I have to get ready for tomorrow so i'll update soon. Love you guys and thanks for the support.

~ Olivia aka Liv

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now