"You said what now"

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Hey guys this is another short one. Feel free to listen to that song ^ it's definitely one of my summer songs.

Location: The Beach
Status: bf & gf

Your POV

"Hey babe" Justin said as he sat down next to me "Hi my love" I said looking out onto the beautiful scenery "have you ever thought about how many kids you want?" He asked making me focus my gaze on him "ya why?" I asked as he laid his head on my lap

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"Hey babe" Justin said as he sat down next to me "Hi my love" I said looking out onto the beautiful scenery "have you ever thought about how many kids you want?" He asked making me focus my gaze on him "ya why?" I asked as he laid his head on my lap

"Well... how many kids do you want?" he asked as I played with his hair "2-3 maybe" I said smiling to myself as I looked back at the ocean thinking about it "how about you?" I asked now fixing my gaze on him once more "I want 8 kids" he said nearly making me jump up "you said what now?" I said in complete shock not knowing what else to say "I don't know who you think is popping out all those babies but it sure ain't me" I said causing him to laugh "I'm just playing with you" he said getting up to face me "3 kids sound perfect to me" he said pulling me into a kiss as the sound of the waves made the overall vibe even more romantic

"How about we start now" he said smirking at me causing me to let out a laugh "I guess you'll have to catch me first" I said jumping u and running as fast as I could back to the hotel "ohhh you're so on" He yelled as he ran after me

a/n Hey guys I hoped you liked this. I don't know what happened to the first copy of this but somehow wattpad decided to delete it so I had to rewrite it.

I love you all and please stay safe

~Olivia aka Liv

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now