Plane mix up

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I was on the way to the airport because I was finally going on a vacation with my mom. I was on my way to meet my internet besties Sam (played by yepitsmesam) Kaylona (played by Aloha_Kaylona ) And bear. We were all going to Disney.

It was a treat for my 17th birthday present. When we got there we boarded on the plane and I sat, of course at the window seat because I can. Anyways I plugged my headphones in and listened to love yourself  by JB. My mom sat behind me because they mixed up our seats so now I'm stuck sitting beside strangers. I was texting the girls in our group chat "cookie eater squad" saying that we were leaving. I shut off my phone and went on my iPad. As I was changing the song I noticed a guy wearing a grey hoodie and sweats.

He looked like a creep but I try not to jump to conclusions about people I don't know. I started humming not knowing that I started singing out loud. I felt a tap on my shoulder, when I turned the stranger finally spoke "you sing beautifully". I blushed " thanks " I said as I tried to hide behind my hair. The fact that he said that, made me blush but something seemed so familiar to me.  "Hi I'm Justin" he said as he took off his hoodie. Now I knew why he sounded so familiar. "Hi I'm y/n" I said smiling. I can't believe I'm having a conversation with the Justin Bieber. "Shouldn't you be on your private jet" I said asking shyly. "The airline got messed up" he said smiling. Airlines these days.

~3 hours later~
"And then he pushed me in the pool" he said as we laughed. I got to know a little about Justin and he got to know a little about me. "You know y/n I'm actually really happy the airlines messed up my flight" he said shyly.

I gave him my Twitter so we could talk that way before we get to know more about each other. When we got off the plane we hugged and took a picture together. He put his number in my phone as he left.

When I saw the girls we all ran towards each other and made a big scene. We started crying it was just so amazing. When I turned on my phone I noticed that Justin took a picture and put it as my lock screen.  After we got our stuff I got a notification on Twitter.

@JustinBieber : we'll see each other soon @y/n/t 😍. Keep smiling baby girl.

A/n I hope you guys liked that. It took me a bit but it's alright.

•|Olivia aka Liv |•

Justin Bieber and Jason mcCann imagines (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now