Chapter 17

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It was finally time to go back to school. It was Monday morning and Amy and I had just arrived. She had no idea about the events that happened the previous day. It was actually better that way. I mean she would definitely praise me for getting back at Natalia, lord knows she deserved it, but I don’t think she would approve of me doing it with Stella and not her. Plus, she would also think of a more intelligible way to go about it. I just told her I did nothing, and that it was a normal boring Sunday. That would have been a fail if she were to just look outside of her window since she lived next-door to me, but she was probably blasting music.

The thing that I was worried about most, was the almost kiss with Alec. How many times has this happened already? Each time we seem to recover though. We eventually end up talking and everything is great, and then ruined by another almost kiss. I just have a bad feeling this time. I mean, last time he asked me to hang out after it happened. This time I don’t feel so lucky.

Amy and I walked down the crowded halls to our first class. It somehow seemed different. Usually I felt invisible when I walked down these halls, but I could feel everyone in the world staring at me. I didn’t like the feeling. Amy could feel it too. She was looking around at the people who would whisper into someone else’s ear and then point in our direction or just give us glares. We both stopped and then searched each other to make sure we didn’t have a ”Kick Me” sign taped to our back or shit all over our clothes.

We were clean. Everyone still continued to stare at us. Amy grabbed my hand and pulled me to class. We walked into the room and got a few more of those stares. Amy just ignored and continued pulling me to our seats. Surprisingly, Alec arrived before we did. He didn’t seem to act weird at all. He smiled and waved to us. He probably forgot about it. Oh, who am I kidding? I haven’t, so he probably hasn’t either. Well, he would be proud of how I got Natalia back for ruining our date.

“Hey, did you guys hear about what happened to Natalia’s house?” Alec mentioned.

“Yeah, bitch finally got what she deserved,” Amy laughed.

"I hope she's okay," Alec ignored. 

“Who do you think did it?” I asked quietly.

“They don’t know. A lot of people have suspicions, but nothing for sure,” Alec answered. “It was probably just some of the bad kids.”

“One thing for sure, they were dumbasses,” Amy chuckled. Alec and I stared at her blankly. “What? Come on, the place was huge. Someone must have seen them. Plus, it was probably loaded with cameras. We’ll find out who did it soon.”

Thanks Amy, I feel so much better. Well my life was going to be over. I really should have kissed Alec when I had the chance. I looked down at my desk wishing to bang my head against it.

“Hey, Alec,” I heard an evil voice call. I looked over to see Steve looking at Alec. “Again, I’m SO sorry about before.”

I had no idea what they were talking about, but even I knew that he did not mean that apology. I looked over at Amy and she shrugged. I turned back to Alec.

“It’s okay, man,” Alec smiled. “It wasn’t that big of a deal.”

Alec didn’t seem like he meant that either. Still a little confused about what they were talking about. Steve smiled back at Alec and I saw Skyler take her seat without tackling Steve first. I looked over at Amy with a confused look. She shrugged.

“So have you thought about it?” Steve asked, destroying the uncomfortable silence. About what? I looked over at Alec and his expression completely changed. He looked down at his desk with a frown. Steve still stood in the same spot staring at him. Alec’s head rose up and he turned to me. I smiled at him. I didn’t know why I smiled at him. I just did. He smiled back.

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