Chapter 19

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Well, it was finally Saturday. I sat on my bed staring at the wall. I had my headphones in, listening to some mainstream pop song to remind me of him. It hurt even more; I don’t why I was doing it. I ripped them out of my ear and threw them aside. I stood up and went to look for my phone. It was on my desk.  I picked it up to see if I had any fans today. Nope. Zero messages and zero missed calls. I set my phone back down.

Well, today was the day. Alec and Steve were going on their date. Sorry, I mean they were going to “hang out” or whatever. Knowing Steve, he thought it was a date. I wondered what they were going to do, but then again it was none of my business. I just couldn’t stop thinking about Alec, and how much I hurt him. He said I was ashamed to be what I was, and I was embarrassed to be seen with him. It wasn’t true. I would never be embarrassed to be around him, but he was pretty spot on with me being ashamed of what I was. Yeah, that was sad to say, but I just wasn’t ready. I tried telling him. My parents are the biggest ass wipes in the world and it just wouldn’t go well with them. Plus, he knows how jerks at school are since the first two words he said were “I’m gay.”

I had to stop thinking about it. It was done. It happened. I fucked it all up, and now Alec is with the only person that I wouldn’t be okay with him hanging out with. The rest of the week was awkward. Him and Steve would talk and sit next to each other and he didn’t say one syllable to me. The only hint I had that he wasn’t totally over me was the constant looking over. It could be one of the “Trying to Make You Jealous” looks, or an “I Would Much Rather Be with You” look. I was hoping for the second one, but the first was just as good because it showed that I was still number one on his mind. Just let me think what I want, okay?

I pressed the circle button on my phone to reveal the time. 3:30. I had already spent most of the day thinking about this, and doing nothing. I didn’t have breakfast or lunch. I should do that now. I exited my room and went downstairs. The house was pretty quiet, so I concluded that my parents were both missing in action. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed some cereal. Today I felt like some Honey Nut Cheerios. I poured that into a bowl and invited some milk to the party. I quickly scarfed that down. Next, I was to have lunch. I decided on having a sandwich. I retrieved two pieces of bread, a few slices of cheese and one slice of ham. I ate that quickly as well, and left the kitchen. I heard the television on in the living room. I thought no one was here.

I looked around for a weapon, finding nothing of course. I slowly tiptoed into the living room and screamed. I really didn’t know why I did that.

“Oh, hey dude,” Stella said lying down on my couch.

“Hi,” I replied.

“I didn’t want to wake you. You sleep for a long time,” Stella laughed. “What is it, 3?”

“I actually woke up early. I just decided to stare at my walls for six hours,” I said seriously, yet it kind of sounded like sarcasm. Believe me, it wasn’t.

“Well, you’ve had a rough week,” she sighed. “But I am here to save you!”

“I don’t need to be saved,” I growled.

“Oh, believe me, you do.”

“Wait, how did you even get in here?”

“Sweetie, you know that I have broken in here before,” she giggled. “I was sleeping on your couch until I heard you come down the stairs, and then I decided to turn on the T.V. to attract your attention so that you would come over here and you would see me and then we would have this conversation.”

I didn’t feel like comprehending what she said so I just nodded and said, “Whatever.”

“Alright, so we have to do stuff! I need to make you feel better about you-know-who,” she cheered.

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