The Meeting

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"Y/N come on!" Your mum called out from downstairs. "Ughh, why do I have to come? Why can't you and dad go?" You replied, dragging yourself down the staircase. "Because, it's always good to make a good first impression." Y/M/N replied calmly.

         You slipped some socks and shoes on, grabbed your phone and stood by the front door, an annoyed look in your eyes. Your mum looked down at you, a smile starting to form on her face. "Who knows Y/N, maybe you could make a new friend?" She said quietly. "Yeah, yeah," you mumbled, "let's just get this over and done with."

         You and your mother stood under the sun as the button of the doorbell was gently pressed, a sweet, melodic tune coming from the interior of the house. A figure came to the door. She slowly opened it, slightly confused to see you and your mum standing there. "Hello. How can I help?" She asked. You stood straight, your head facing the floor as your mother introduced the two of you. "Good morning! I'm Y/M/N (Y/L/N) and this is my daughter Y/N!"

                    The two women looked at you, waiting for you to respond. Your mum gave you a little nudge as your mind was suddenly broken from your daydreaming. "H-hello ma'am." You said nervously, your mum trying to clean up the mess of the impression you had made. "We live just next door to you and thought we would come and say hello, see how you're doing seeing as you had just moved in." Y/M/N said pointing over to your house. The woman looked to their house and back at the two of them delightedly. "Ah, so very nice to meet you! I'm Monica Granger, or you can call me Mrs Granger, i don't mind." She said to the two of them. Mrs Granger glanced at your mother and then at you before looking away, "you don't suppose miss Y/N here, is in year 10 at the local secondary school just around the corner, do you?" She asked the two of them. You stood tall and answered her clearly, "Yes ma'am, Walters' Secondary is the one!" She looked at you excitedly before saying, "Wonderful! My daughter seems to be in the same year as you! Let me grab her for you." Mrs Granger spoke, "Mione, come quick please!" She exclaimed.

           You looked down to the floor again as you heard footsteps coming from the stairs. Mrs Granger held the girl by her shoulders and smiled, "this is my daughter." She said. You slowly lifted your head up before your eyes locked with the chocolate brown orbs belonging to the girl. You blushed, your eyes not wanting to leave hers.

Oh. My. Muffin.

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