12 Grimmauld Place

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Y/N's POV: It was early. Very early. Can't be bothered to even move early. But I had to. Tonight was the night Hermione and I would be leaving to help some group called 'Dumbledore's Army' reopen Hogwarts. We had packed our bags in the early evening, just before we all watched a movie together. I tried to be as casual as possible, but it's kind of hard when you need to leave the place you call home to save another, part of you knowing you may not make it back alive. That may sound over the top, but trust me, it's not when it comes to this.

    I picked up my bag and quietly followed Hermione downstairs to the hallway. I opened the front door and looked behind me, taking in Alex's house for what may be the last time. I sighed as we both walked out the door and into the darkness. "You know you don't have to do this, right?" Hermione asked me, holding my hand. I gave it a squeeze, "I know. But I want to. Anything for you." I whispered. She smiled at me and told me to stand opposite her. "Right, when I say 'now' I'm going to need you to hold my arm. Not my hand, my arm. Understood?" I nodded, not hesitating to stay still.
"This won't hurt will it?"
"God please don't hurt."
"What are you going to do?"

"Oh yeah, make sure to keep your feet shoulder width apart or you'll fall."



I honestly couldn't feel a thing. Oh, besides my stomach doing fifty flippin somersaults! I felt myself shrinking as I held onto Hermione's arm, praying I wouldn't die. I opened my eyes and saw different parts of England faintly pop up. There was Legoland in Windsor, Big Ben in London and I could've sworn I saw Stonehenge! But they were all only there for a couple of milliseconds. I then felt my feet hit the ground hard. I lost my balance and fell to the ground.

Hermione's POV: What. An. Idiot.

I told her to stand shoulder width apart so she wouldn't fall. And what did she do? She fell! Honestly, my girlfriend sometimes. I didn't bother helping her up, just stood there as she got herself together, my arms crossed. "Yeah, thanks for the help babe." She picked her bag up from the floor. "Come on, we're late as it is." I said, walking down the street, "I thought the first meeting is tomorrow." Y/N asked me as she trailed behind. As she caught up to me, I stopped. "What are you doing?" I asked her. Y/N looked pretty confused as i looked at her irritated. "There's this thing called walking." she laughed sarcastically. I rolled my eyes, "Do you know where we are?"

"Yeah, we're in Islington, London. My mum used to take me to Almeida Theatre when i was little." Y/N replied, a nostalgic look as she looked around. "But why are we here? I thought Hogwarts was in Edinburgh." She asked me. Instead of answering her question, i simply just told her to do something else. "Close your eyes."
"I'm sorry?"
"You heard me. Close your eyes." I said, pulling my wand out of my pocket. Y/N nodded and closed her eyes, standing beside me. I quietly cast the Fedilius Charm, letting 12 Grimmauld Place slowly reveal itself. I picked up my bag and pulled Y/N to the front door, who's eyes were still closed. I rang the doorbell and told Y/N she could open her eyes if she didn't leave the step until we got inside.
"Hermione! You made it." Ginny opened the door, squeezing me tightly with a hug. I laughed a little as I pulled myself and Y/N into the building. I nudged her shoulder as she opened her eyes, staring at the moving paintings in shock. I was then pushed back against the wall by Harry and Ron charging at me. I hugged them back as I looked around. It felt good to be where the memories lay. The three of them stood opposite
Y/N and I as she greeted them with a warm smile. I took her hand as we walked over to the long dining table.
      Mrs Weasley was the first to come over to me, followed by Sirius, Mr Weasley, Professor Lupin, Mad-eye and Fred and George. "Good to have you back Granger." The twins said in sync as I hugged them. I sat at the table. I could tell Y/N was a little nervous because she stood still and fiddled with her fingers. "Who's this beautiful young lady?" Molly asked as she walked over to Y/N. "Hermione's giirrrrlfreind!" Ginny exclaimed teasingly. "Didn't know you swung that way Mione." Harry said, slouching on the chair he sat on. "Neither did I. At least not until I met Y/N." I admired her features as I spoke. I have no idea what she sees in me. She's so pretty, brave, kind. Not to mention a major flirt. I turned back to see Ron glaring at Y/N rather oddly.

Y/N's POV: "Y/N Y/L/N ma'am." I said, shaking the kind women's hand. "Y/L/N. Why haven't I heard that name before?" She asked me. "Y/N's a muggle." Ginny responded, taking a sip from her drink. A man with ginger hair stood up excitedly. "Is that so? Tell me, what exactly is the function of a dice?" He walked over to me. A dice? Where did this guy come from? How the hell am I supposed to explain what a dice does? "It, uhm, w-well it-" I was saved by the woman who seemed to be his wife. "-Oh never mind that Arthur. Now, Y/N dear, tell me all about yourself." She said, sitting me down next to Hermione.
     "Uhm, well, I'm 15 years old. I'm from Gravesend, Kent. I go to Walters Secondary School. There's not really much to say about me really. Quite boring, i am." I said, chuckling awkwardly. Hermione placed her hand on my thigh, calming my nerves.
         Two identical boys sat down beside me, "You like pranks?" One asked me. "You seem like it." The other said. "Yeah, I do." I said grinning. "Best prank you've pulled. Go." I shuffled away from Hermione a little bit so she wouldn't hear me. "I uh, one morning I told hermione that she'd fucked me the night before and that she didn't remember it. Didn't talk to me the rest of the day." I whispered, smirking.
     They both introduced themselves to me, holding their hands out politely. I shook both of them one by one and smiled. "I think we're going to get alone just fine." Fred grinned. I nodded my head before turning away, facing the other side of the table.

Ron's POV: Bloody idiot. We had something good going. Why'd Hermione have to move? Why couldn't she have just stayed where she was? Then she wouldn't have met that stupid girl. My blood boiled as I watched my family get along with Y/N so well. Her and Hermione holding hands. Give me a break. My thumb pushed down onto the fork I was holding, bending it down. I have absolutely no idea why I was holding a bloody fork. Y/N looked at me and smiled. No wonder Hermione liked her so much. Stupid charming smile. I gave her a dirty look before pushing my chair back and storming off. I wasn't shocked when nobody followed me. Everyone's always calling me dramatic. Sometimes I just wish that things would actually go my way.

Hermione's POV: I honestly don't know why Ronald walked out like that. He always seems to have a chip on his shoulder about one thing or another.

     After an hour or so of everyone getting to know Y/N, even though it couldn't have been later than 2am, we all decided to get some rest. Mrs Weasley said that Y/N could stay in the room she'd saved for me. I got laughs from the twins and Harry, which made me blush hard. Y/N didn't say anything. I held her hand as we went up the numerous flights of stairs, reaching our room. Kreacher the house elf walked by us as we were opening the door, "Filthy mudbloods." He sneered. The door to sirius's room opened as he scolded the elf before smiling at us. I hated hearing the term.

      As we were unpacking our bags, Y/N stopped to ask, "What's a mudblood?" I stared at her blankly, a tear running down my cheek. She sighed in realisation that it wasn't a good thing and continued to unpack. "It means 'dirty blood'. Referring to an individual either born to non-magic parents or having no wizarding relatives. A halfblood having one muggle parent and the other a wizard. A pure blood having both wizard parents." I said, watching my clothes intensely. "So, a mudblood is basically a rude way of saying muggle?" I nodded, still staring at my clothes. Y/N walked over to me and held my hands, "Hermione. You're the brightest girl I know. I have no doubt you are an incredible witch as well. Don't let meaningless words get you down. Who cares if you're a muggle or not? I'm a muggle and I'm well damn proud of it. If you were accepted into that school being a muggle, it just goes to show how much better you are than any plain old pureblood or halfblood." She said encouragingly. "What did I ever do to deserve a girlfriend like you?" I asked Y/N, pressing my forehead against hers. "Hmm, lets see. You're incredibly intelligent, you're sweet, you're kind, you're loving. Oh yeah I almost forgot. You're bloody drop-dead gorgeous!" She muttered, chuckling. I pressed my lips against her and mumbled, "watch your language." She snickered, "Sorry baby but I mustn't tell lies." I gasped a little at her sentence. I felt pretty bad for my girlfriend, she has definitely met Umbridge...

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