Sounds Like A Plan

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Hermione's POV: Lost. That's how she looked when she got back. It broke my heart to see her like that.

"Y/N! I saw what happened on the news. Are you ok? What happened to your arm? Where's Oliver?" I went rushing over to Y/N as the door closed. She didn't do or say anything. I tried to touch her hurt arm but she just simply walked right past me. I watched her as she slowly walked to the table and sat down quietly. I sat next to her and watched her face as it stared at the wall. The news was still playing, talking about the attack.

'A 22 year-old man with the name of Oliver Y/L/N was the only victim of this attack that was killed. He was seen being taken away from a young girl by an ambulance earlier today. The paramedics tried to revive him but unfortunat-'

The loud screeching of Y/N's chair overpowered the sound of the tv as she got up and walked away and up the stairs. I felt myself sadden at the loss of Oliver. I wanted to follow Y/N upstairs but I knew she needed her space. After all, she'd just lost her brother. I wanted to do something to help, but I didn't know what. Then, Harry walked into the room. He sat beside me and stared at Oliver's picture in shock. "I-is Y/N back yet?" He asked me. I nodded, "Upstairs. She looked hurt, Har. Really hurt.  I want to help her, but I don't know how to. What should I do?" Harry placed his hand on my shoulder, "Right now, I think she needs to be alone. Give her some space and then go and talk to her. Talk about something that will cheer her up, but try and make sure it has nothing to do with her brother." We both smiled and Harry walked off. Poor Y/N. I couldn't possibly imagine how she was feeling right now.

Y/N's POV: Not talking to anyone is probably not the best way to 'grieve'. Neither is ignoring your girlfriend. I didn't mean to be so rude and blunt but I couldn't help it. My brother was shot right in front of me. He's dead. Gone.

     I was walking down the corridor when Ron and Sirius came out of Ron and Harry's room. I didn't look at them, just tried walking past but of course that stupid asshole had to be a pain. "Where's Oliver?" He asked, 'concerned'. I brushed past him aggressively, our shoulders hitting each other. "Ow, dramatic muc-"
"JUST FUCK OFF WEASLEY." I boomed at Ron, pushing him against the wall before opening the door to my room and slamming it shut. I could hear voices coming from the other side of the room, mainly Hermione's, telling them to leave me alone. I expected her to come in after me, but instead I heard footsteps walking down the stairs.

The hands covering my face and head were shaking rapidly as my mind kept flashing back to the shooting. I was still in agony from my shot arm, but my thoughts overpowered it. I sat on the bed for a while, just me and my thoughts. About fifty thousand flashbacks popped up in my brain, but only one special memory stood out.


"Hey, don't worry about it. They'll come around eventually."

"B-but what if they don't? I can't not have parents. I need them in my life."

"And you will have them in your life, they just need a little time. It's not everyday your only daughter tells you she's bisexual. For now, I'll be here. I'll be here no matter what. I promise."

"Thanks Bear."

"Anytime. Anytime."

--End Of Flashback--

I picked up my phone and immediately went into photos. I scrolled to the very top of my camera roll and clicked on a video from 10 years ago. Oliver was 12 and I was 5 then. He was giving me a piggyback ride as he ran through the fields. My hands brushed against the tall grass. Our family had gone out for a picnic for Olly's birthday.

"Come on Y/N! Run with me!" The younger boy in the video screamed as he put little me down and ran around. My younger version followed him as the two had fun together. I wished it could be like that. I wished my brother was still here. Who would've known then that in exactly 10 years time, Oliver would be killed. On his birthday as well.

I felt anger take over my body as I stood up from the bed. I walked over to the cupboard and opened it. I then started punching the clothes inside with all my might. "You promised." I shouted over and over with every hit. More pain overtook me as the hangers scratched my knuckles, leaving bloody cuts all over my hands. After a couple of minutes, Hermione walked into the room and saw what I was doing. "Y/N! Stop that, you're going to hurt yourself badly." She pulled me away from the cupboard and sat me back down on the bed. Hermione then entered the bathroom and came back out with a first aid kit. She sat beside me and wiped the cuts on my hands. I breathed harshly in through my teeth as I felt the stinging. "Sorry." She muttered. I nodded my head and indicated for her to keep going.

    After Hermione had finished wiping my cuts, she looked at my arm. "We need to get you to a doctor." 

"I'm fine Hermione." I didn't look at her, just straight ahead. "Y/N, you've been shot in the arm, this is a serious inju-"

"-I said I'm fine Hermione!" I stood up, brushing her away from me. She frowned a little and looked down, immediately making me feel guilty for shouting at her. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be so-" She interrupted me as I sat back down. "-No. It's my fault. You're going through a lot right now and here I am telling you what to do." She paused, watching me carefully. I didn't make eye contact because I was too busy staring at the wall in front of me. "I really wish I could take all your pain away, but you're going to get through it. You're tough." I turned my gaze from the wall into Hermione's eyes. We both smiled and stared for a bit, not speaking. It was nice. It was like we could communicate with each other without saying a word. I pushed my lips against hers gently, enjoying the interaction between us. "I love you." I muttered slowly. Hermione smiled, "I love you too Y/N." 

A couple of seconds later, I pulled away and stood up. "I think we should maybe go to the doctors, just to be safe." Hermione smiled and stood up too, "I think we should. After that, to make you feel better, we can do whatever you want." My face lit up at the thought, knowing exactly what I wanted to do with Hermione. 

"Sounds like a plan." 

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