Hidden secret

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It was a warm Saturday morning, a few months after Hermione had caught Ryan with another girl. She was still mad at him so you were both in her room, lying around, trying to think of what to do to get back at him. "Maybe we could toilet paper his house?" She asked, writing down on a notepad. You looked up to her, "where did you get an idea like that? That's more of an American thing to do." You said. "Right yes, sorry, it sort of just popped into my head." She said apologetically. "No problem." You said.
You both heard the doorbell ring, Hermione signalling that you should get it. You stood up and opened her bedroom door and went to answer the doorbell. As you opened it, you saw two boys and a slightly younger girl. One boy had scruffy, dark raven-like hair and small round glasses. The other boy and the girl both had ginger hair. They looked very similar, almost like siblings. The raven-haired boy spoke clearly, "Hello, is this the Grangers' house?" He asked. "Uh, yes it is, what can I do for you?" You said. Who are these lot and what're they doing here? The ginger boy stepped forward, "ahem, we're looking for-" He was cut off by sound of Hermione's shocked voice, "Ron, Harry, Ginny?" She said as she ran down the stair and gave them a big hug. "Mione!" They all said together. Whattt?
"Would you like to introduce us to your little girlfriend?" The ginger haired girl said smirking. Girlfriend? What. "Oh no, she's not my- we're not-, we're just friends" Hermione said nervously. Ouch. Thanks a lot Mione. "Guys, this is Y/N Y/L/N, my best friend and neighbour." You shook their hands and smiled sweetly. They looked at Hermione with fake offended faces and their hands on their hearts. "Ouch, already replaced us Mione?" Ron said. You all laughed as you made your way up to Hermione's room. You all sat down.

"So, how do you guys know each other?" You asked them, specifically looking at Hermione. "We went to school together, you know, the boarding one in Edinburgh?" She said. You looked at her and then at the trio, "ohh, ok cool." You said. "Oh right! Sorry, Y/N, this is Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley and Harry Potter." Mione said excitedly. "Cool. Nice to meet you guys." You said calmly. The three started bursting out into laughter, "Uhh, what?" You asked, totally confused. "Well, your the first person that hasn't gone crazy after meeting Harry." Ron said laughing. "Why would I go crazy after meeting him?" You asked the boy.
They all looked at each other, Hermione glaring at Ron. "She's a muggle" she muttered Quietly through her teeth. "A muggle? What's a muggle?" You asked. "Umm, n-nothing." Ron said nervously, his voice cracking. "Mione why didn't you tell us?" he said. "Well, what did you expect Ron? You didn't think she'd be a pure blood did you?" Hermione said angrily. "A pure blood? Ok, I'm officially going crazy aren't I? Mione, what the hell are you lot going on about?" You asked, annoyed. "Ok, Y/N/N, I'm going to show you something but you have to promise not to freak out. Ok?" She said. You quickly nodded your head. Hermione opened her drawer and took out a long thin box. She opened the box, looking nervously at Harry, then at Ginny. She pulled a stick out. It was brown and decorated nicely. Um- wut. She held the stick out and pointed it towards her phone on the other side of the room. She started saying some Latin words, "Wingardium Leviosa." You looked at her as if she was crazy until you saw her phone floating in the air. What the f- oh my god. "W-What the hell!" You cried. You looked around at everyone and then at the phone (which was still floating by the way!). You started feeling very light headed and everything around you became blurry. You heard a muffled Hermione saying your name as you fell to the floor.

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