About As Straight As A Circle

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Y/N's POV: "COME ON PEOPLE WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Let me tell you something. Waking up to Harry's voice and hands bashing pots together is not the greatest thing in the world.

I lugged myself out of bed and met Ginny and Harry in the hallway. "How lucky am I to have your voice being the first thing I hear in the morning!" I groaned. Ginny laughed, "You do know you need to get ready right?" I opened my eyes fully to her words, "What for?" I asked "Well your magic lessons start today!" Harry exclaimed excitedly. "Awh man." I grumbled, still sort of half asleep. "Well it's not like you have anything better to do." Ginny joked. Hermione walked out of the room behind me, her hair dishevelled and rubbing her eyes. "Um, yeah, sleep." I retaliated. George stepped out of his room, "What did you do last night then?" He asked jokingly. I went silent, shifting my glances all over the hallway so I wouldn't have to look at the others. Hermione rubbed her legs beside me, in pain. "Oh my god! You two shagged!" Ginny screamed. Fred then poked his head out of his and George's room whilst everyone laughed. He smiled "Always knew you were a bottom Granger." Hermione turned around and walked back into our room, slamming the door shut. Ginny nudged me, "was it good at the least?" she asked. I scratched the back of my head and laughed nervously.

Ron walked out of the room him and Harry were sharing. Everyone immediately went silent. "What you guys laughing about?" He smiled. Nobody said anything. "Y/N and Hermione shagged!" George couldn't stop laughing. Fred punched him in the shoulder because he wasn't supposed to say anything. Ron went back into his room. He looked mad. Oh well, you snooze you lose! "Just get ready and meet me downstairs in ten." He said to me before following Ron into their room. I opened my door and picked some clothes out for the day. I walked into the bathroom and found Hermione washing her face. Quietly, I ran over to her and picked her up from behind by her waist. "Y/N!" She squeaked. I laughed, "You alright there love?" She nodded her head shyly. "Not the first time I've been in the wrong place at the wrong time." we both snickered at her remark. I put Hermione back down and brushed my teeth. "So, excited to learn some magic?" She asked me. "Yeah, I guess. How long will it take?" I responded, thinking about other things I needed to do that day. "Other plans?" I nodded, "Well, if you concentrate then I guess we could be done for 1:30." Hermione answered, looking at her watch. "What else you doing today?" Mione inquired. "Uh, I'm going to meet up with my brother, Oliver. You remember him right? The one in uni." I said, brushing my hair. "The one you never told me about." Hermione acknowledged her remembrance of him as she fixed herself. "I already told you! I didn't have any reason to tell you. It'd just be weird if I randomly told you I had a brother" I rambled on and on. "You could have told me when I met you! Don't you remember? We told each other about ourselves, but clearly you decided to leave a valid part of your life out!" She chimed. I did remember that. We met just over a year ago...

-- Flashback --

"So, Hermione, tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?"

"Anything you want to tell me."

"Um, I'm fifteen years old. I used to live near Surrey before I moved here-"

"-What school did you go to?"

"I-i, uhm, I went to one in Edinburgh, but it got shut down. It was a boarding school."

"Surely you can't be that bad."

"Well I did have quite a reputation of being an 'insufferable know-it-all'."

"So you're smart?"

"I-i'm sorry?"

"You said you had a reputation for being a know-it-all. That means you're smart right?"

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