Family Things

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Harry's POV: Ron and I were sitting in our room, listening to music. It was around 5:00pm and we were still waiting for Hermione and Y/N to get home from the hospital. Hermione told us what happened to Oliver before they left. He was probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. He knew exactly what to say to everyone, no matter the mood. It's quite a shame.

"Harry! Ron! The girls are home!" We both heard Sirius shouting from downstairs. I jumped up from my bed and headed for the door. Before I left, I turned to Ron, who was still sitting on the floor. "You coming?" I asked him, but he just shook his head. "Nah mate. I'll come down when dinner's ready." I nodded and left the room.

I ran down the stairs and saw Hermione and Mrs Weasley smothering Y/N. "Y/N!" I pushed past the two to give Y/N a hug but immediately stopped when I saw her arm in a sling. "Are you alright?" I observed her arm carefully as she laughed and nodded. "Yeah, I'm good. Starving, though. You got any food Mrs Weasley?" She looked to the woman, who was already making her way to the kitchen countertop. "Only the best!" We all laughed and went to sit down at the table.

Dinner was absolutely brilliant. Roast chicken with carrots and gravy. Who doesn't love that?
We were all sitting at the dinner table, chatting and eating. "So, Harry. I believe we need to talk." Y/N put her cutlery down and looked directly at me. I turned to Ron but he just shrugged and rolled his eyes. "Uhm, yeah sure. What's up?" Y/N looked at Hermione and then back at me. "How are you related to the Dursleys?" She asked me. I looked at her very confused and cleared my throat. "Petunia Dursley is my mother's sister. My aunt." I told her before taking a bite of a carrot. She nodded and whispered something to Hermione. I sat still, very nervously taking a bite of another carrot. Y/N stood up from her seat and motioned for me to come over to her. So I got up and walked over. I didn't say anything and stood there, a little worried about what she would say. I didn't really know what to expect.

"Thank you for the food Mrs Weasley. It was lovely." Y/N smiled at her before grabbing my arm and dragging me to the front door. "Where... where are we going?" I asked her as we both put our shoes and coats on. "Just for a walk. That alright with you?" I nodded and opened the door, letting us out into the cold.

"I need to tell you something." Y/N stopped walking and stood still. I stopped and walked back to her. "Ok.. what is it?" I asked her.
"Vernon is my uncle!" She shouted quickly. I frowned, a little confused.
"Vernon is your uncle? How?" I questioned Y/N. She pulled out a picture of what looked like her family. Y/N, Oliver, their parents, Marge, Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley. They were all standing in a garden with a cake and lots of presents. I could only assume it was someone's birthday.
"Vernon, Marge and my mother are all siblings. Mum's the eldest, then Aunt Marge and then Uncle Vernon. My mum was raised a bit differently than the other two, seeing as they're selfish gits and well, my mum has more manners." I didn't say much as I listened to Y/N talk about her relations to the Dursley's. After she had finished, I spoke up. "So... what does that make us then?" She shrugged. "I'm not entirely sure but I think it makes us cousins." I nodded slowly, before opening my arms out to giver Y/N a hug but she put her hand out and tutted. "No hugs." I looked to the ground, kind of embarrassed and brought my arms back down. I only looked up when I heard Y/N taking something out of her pocket. It was a silver ring with writing engraved into it.

"Here, I want you to have it. It has the family name on it. Hermione told me how the Dursley's treat you. They're not your real family. I understand you're a Potter and you probably want to keep that name going, but you're also a Y/L/N. To me, anyways." I shook my head rapidly, "No. I can't take this. I probably costs a fortune."
Y/N chuckled. "Everyone in the family has one. The girls have necklaces and the boys' rings," She pointed to her gold necklace, "This was Oliver's. I slipped it off his finger before the ambulance took him away. If he knew, he'd want you to have it. I'm sure of it." Y/N held the ring out in her hand. I sighed, took it from her and put it on my right index finger. "Looking good Potter." We both smiled before continuing to walk in silence.

"So, you ever going to tell Ginny?" Y/N and I walked down the pavement slowly, not really caring about anything. I looked at her, "Tell her what?" What could I possibly need to tell Ginny? "Well that you have a major crush on her."
Oh. I laughed nervously. "What? I don't.. I don't have a crush.. I do not have a crush on Ginny!"
"Oh really? Harry, I've seen the way you look at her. Like no one else is around. Like no one else matters. I know you like her." I looked at Y/N, who just smiled and patted my back.
"Is that how you feel about Mione?" I asked her. She sighed and pushed her hair out of her face, not saying anything.

Y/N's POV: I didn't really know what I wanted to say in response to that. "Oh come on Y/N, you can tell me. After all, we are family!" Harry exclaimed. I nodded, "Ok, ok. Yeah I'd say that's how I feel about her. I honestly don't deserve her. She's just the most amazing girl I've ever met. Not once have I been able to find anything wrong with her. She's perfect. I miss her when she's not around and can't get enough of her when she is. I'm so grateful I'm her girlfriend because if I saw her with anyone else, I would kill them and then myself. I love her. I love her more than Elvis loves rock and roll and that's saying something. I would run off the edge of the Earth for her. There's nothing I wouldn't do to see her happy." Harry placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled, "That's exactly why you deserve her Y/N. It's because you'd do absolutely anything and everything for her. You're awesome. You and Hermione. You both deserve each other and believe me when I say I've never seen a couple that work so well together than you two." I laughed and stopped walking again. Harry copied me and tilted his head, confusedly. I held my arms out and sighed, "Come on then. I think you deserve a hug." He laughed and hugged me really tightly.

I was glad Harry Potter was my family.

Harry's POV: I was glad Y/N Y/L/N was my family. The sister I never had.

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