The Last Of Me

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Y/N's POV: My eyes opened, taking in the brightness of the sun as it shone onto the bed. I thought of getting up but I noticed the sleeping girl on my chest, forgetting what I was even thinking about. A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I watched her. She was so calm, so quiet. So peaceful. She was also somehow wearing my hoodie.

I watched her turn over and rub her eyes. "My clothes look better on you than they do me." I chuckled. Hermione smiled at me, "Morning to you too love." She sat up and pecked my cheek. I twisted myself so I was sitting on the edge of the bed. I stretched my arms out and groaned. Hermione quickly and quietly hooked her arms over my shoulders so I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around my waist. I stood up and ran over to the bathroom, Hermione on my back giggling.

We brushed our teeth and got ready for the day. Harry had told us the night before that we needed to find a place for Dumbledore's Army to train and practise and that stuff. It doesn't seem like a big thing to do, but Mione said that it's 'vital we find somewhere we aren't to be caught', so I guess a lot of thought needs to be put into it and whatnot. I'm also taking Oliver somewhere because it's his birthday today! He told me not to tell anyone though; he doesn't like a lot of attention.

"I HAVE NO CLOTHES!" Hermione screamed from the wardrobe. I laughed and poked my head of the bathroom to see clothes everywhere, Hermione standing right in the middle of it all. "Why don't you just keep what you're wearing now." I suggested, walking over to the mess. "Y/N I'm not wearing any- oh. Ha ha very funny." She smiled sarcastically, picking up the clothes. I bent down and helped her, "If you're that desperate, you can wear something of mine. I don't mind." I looked up at my girlfriend who was just smirking. She took my football sweater and some jeans out of my suitcase. "I know you don't. I would've taken them anyways." Hermione walked right past me, smirking. I turned around as she winked and shut the bathroom door. I continued to pick up all of her clothes, laughing to myself.

There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I stood up and just dumped all the clothes on the bed to answer the door. "It's me Olly." His voice came from the other side of the room. I walked over and opened the door slightly, but not all the way because Hermione was still getting ready. "Happy Birthday Bear!" I wrapped my arms around my brother as he kissed my hair. Bear is probably the nickname I use most for Oliver. Mainly because whenever I hug him, it always feels like I'm hugging a teddy bear. I know, I know it's weird but I've been calling him that ever since I was three so it's kind of hard to stop now. "Thank you Y/N/N." I stepped outside the room and closed the door, "So, what did you want to do today? We could go to-"

"-The London Eye! I haven't been there in years." He cut me off excitedly. I just smiled at his enthusiasm and nodded my head. Oliver quickly placed his hand on my shoulder and ran off to get ready for our trip. I went back into my room and saw Hermione sitting on the bed, her phone in her hand. I walked over and sat beside her, watching her phone. She was texting someone. "Dean Thomas? Who's Dean Thomas?" I asked her concerningly. "Just Ginny's boyfriend." She answered so casually! "Just Ginny's boyfriend? Just Ginny's boyfriend?! Last time I checked, you have a girlfriend and I don't think she, or Ginny might I add, would appreciate you talking to Ginny's bloody boyfriend!" I ranted, standing up from the bed. Hermione laughed, "Woah slow your roll! He texted me. And it was only because their six-month anniversary is coming up; Dean wanted to know what to get her. Jealous much?" I sighed with relief, "I-i'm not jealous. What did you say?" I asked, sitting back down embarrassedly. "Uh I told him to get her a necklace with their initials on it, G and D." She turned her phone off and faced me. "That's cool. I'm sure she'll lov-" I was cut off by the sound of Hermione's phone ringing.

Hermione's POV: Kenzie. Scared, I passed the phone to Y/N. She answered it and put the call on speaker. Bad move Y/N. Real bad move. "WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?" A loud booming came from the phone, startling the both of us. "Just deciding to leave in the middle of the night. We've been trying to get a hold of you for two bloody weeks now! I swear if you two eloped and got mar-"

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