Jealousy Strikes

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The 6 of you walked into the classroom and took your seats. You had told Hermione to go talk to the teacher as she was new. You sat next to Alex, him chuckling as you got your books out. "Can I help you?" You asked him, still laughing. "I didn't know you liked girls." He said looking at you. What the hell is he going on about?

                           "What? I don't." You responded, lying straight through your teeth. The truth was, you didn't really know where you stood about liking people. Before you met Hermione, you hadn't given it much thought. Had she changed your perspective on who you liked? Alex stopped your train of thought, "Mhm, not even your new friend?" He teased quietly, so nobody would hear your conversation. "Hermione?" you asked him, looking over at her. He nodded, a small grin on his face. "No! Come on Alex, we're just friends. Even if I did like her like that, which I don't, she wouldn't like me back." You said, glaring at his face. His face softened as he looked at you, "Y/N, I have known you since nursery, I think I'd know when my best friend has a crush. I'm happy for you. I'll be there every step of the way." He said.
You looked at him, touched as he smiled at you. He then brought his hands out and gave you a hug from beside you. You giggled, stopping immediately when your brain realised he was hugging you. You pulled away from his embrace, his eyebrows scrunching together as he looked at you confused. You laughed, took his cap off and ruffled his hair, embarrassing him. You then saw Hermione watching you mess around with the boy you considered your brother. You looked away quickly and then looked back to her. Your eyes locked with her chocolate orbs. She sent you a small smile, you responding with the same. Alex nudged you slightly, whispering into your ears, "I think she likes you!" You looked away from Hermione as you glared at Alex, as if you were going to hurt him. Instead of doing so, you smiled at him and flipped his cap of his head, "yeah, in my dreams" you muttered, quietly laughing to yourself.

       The teacher got up from her desk and stood in front of the class. "Right class, we have a new student. Everyone, this is Miss Hermione Granger." She said, smiling. Hermione looked up from the floor and then at the bunch of students watching her. She turned to you nervously. You smiled at her and mouthed, "you got this". She gently nodded and turned back to everyone, who was still watching her. "Hello." She said shyly, your lips gradually rising, forming a smile on your face. "Hermione, we would have you tell everyone a little bit about yourself, but seeing as we haven't enough time to even go through the student bulletin, we might have to skip it." The teacher said to her. Hermione nodded quickly, you could tell she was quite anxious.
           "Um, lets see, would you mind sitting next to Ryan, over there please?" She said pointing over to a tall guy at the back of the class. Hermione nodded as she walked over to the back of the classroom, holding her books to her chest tightly. She sat next to Ryan, the both of them making conversation quickly. They were both laughing and talking as if they were soulmates. You felt a knot tie in your stomach as you watched them carefully. Ryan Smith? Are you kidding me? Great. Just great.

You spent the rest of first period watching Hermione and Ryan. You'd look away sometimes in horror, seeing the two get along so well. Alex kept staring at you, very concerned. He kept looking as if he was wanted to say something, but no words came from his mouth.
As the clock hit 9:50, the bell rang, the tone deafening pitch made you want to scream. You picked up your books and stuffed them into your bag, watching as Hermione and Ryan left the class. They both went their separate ways, making you sigh with relief. Thank goodness. You and Alex walked out of the room together, making a sharp right. You saw Hermione waiting for you outside, her body leaning against the wall in a daze. Alex looked at her then at you, "I'll see you at break, good luck." He said nervously, walking away from the two of you. You waved your hand in front of Hermione's face, snapping her out of her daydream. "Hey, we've got English, come on." You said to her. She blushed and walked along side you as you both walked to the English classroom.
As you walked together all you heard was 'Ryan this, Ryan that.' It was quite annoying, but you didn't let her know that. "He's very nice, quite charming. He's also not bad looking, don't you think?" Hermione said to you, still in a daze, thinking about Ryan. "Hm? Oh yes, charming. Yes, good-looking, yes." You said, a little upset. "He wants to take me to the cinema you know? Said he's quite the move watcher." She called out, trying to wake you up from what seemed to be a trance of irritation. You stopped, looking at Hermione, worriedly.
               She stopped with you, "Y/N, a-are you alright?" She asked you. She looked very concerned about you. You looked away and continued to walk. She followed, "Yes Hermione, I am fine alright?" You spat harshly. You spoke a little harsher than intended. "Sorry, I just, I-i have a bit of a headache is all. A date with Ryan sounds nice." You said.
                 You both went silent for a bit, until people started greeting you and speaking to you. "Hi Y/N!" One girl said quietly. You nodded your head at her and smiled. "Hey Y/N, how are you?" Another said. You smiled at her, "Hey Gracie! I'm good thanks, how are you?" She blushed and spoke as she walked by, "better now that I've seen you" she said cheekily. You looked down at the floor and blushed. You and Hermione were still walking in silence, until a boy came up to you. "Y/N! Great game Friday." He said excitedly. "Oh yeah! Thanks." You replied with the same amount of excitement. Hermione broke the silence between the two of you, very amused, "Wow, your mum wasn't lying when she said you were popular." You looked at her, who was smirking. "I'm not popular, I just happen to know a lot of people." You said, trying to avoid the conversation. "In a dictionary, that's the same thing" Hermione teased. You looked at her, "your a dIcTiOnAry" You said trying to counter her statement by mimicking her. She laughed at you happily and looked away.

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