Hogsmeade (Part two)

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Y/N's POV: A wand? I don't think I've ever owned a wand before. Unless you count that pink, starry one I had in- never mind. We stood outside a narrow and shabby shop with a sign that read 'Ollivanders: Makers Of fine wands since 382 BC' in peeling old letters over the door. The only display in the dusty window was a single wand, lying on a faded purple cushion. "You go in. We'll wait outside." Hermione urged me to go inside. "I don't think I have enough pounds." I said, emptying my pockets. "We don't pay in pounds silly. We pay in galleons." Hermione and Harry laughed. My mouth made an 'o' shape. "I don't think I have that either." I chuckled. "I'll pay for it. Just go inside and get the wand first!" Harry complained. "Ok, ok." I muttered under my breath before entering the shop. It was very dusty. Very dusty and very quiet. Concerningly quiet.

I walked up to the front desk and rang the bell. I stood in silence until I hear noise coming from the back of the shop. I peered around the wall and saw an elderly man stumbling towards me. "Ah, hello there. What can I do for you?" He asked. He had very grey 'Albert Einstein-like' hair and a mid-length beard, "Um, I was looking to buy a wand?" My statement came out as more of a shy question. "Of course! This is a wand shop for a reason." He laughed and climbed up a ladder. The man looked through the shelf of boxes, his fingers lightly brushing against each one. He then picked one out, and brought it back down to me. "Try this. Phoenix feather core." I opened the box and found a well decorated wooden wand. Taking it out of it's habitat, I pointed the wand towards a small space in the room. It ended up blowing a chair up. Not a great start.

                 After trying a few wands, I finally found the perfect one. It was a 10", elm wood wand with a dragon heartstring core. I payed the man with the money Harry had given me and left the building contently. "So, which one did you get?" Harry beamed. "Uhh, I don't really remember." I replied sheepishly. "Memory of a goldfish, you have." Hermione giggled. "I do know that it has a dragon heartstring core. Didn't think dragons even existed." I stared at the strange stick. Hermione and Harry looked at each other and then at my wand. "What?" I laughed as i watched their shocked faces. "You have the same core as Hermione" Harry said, looking at my girlfriend's bewildered expression. I took her hand and pushed her forehead against mine, "Well, it looks like it was meant to be." I chuckled at Hermione's flushed face. "I, uh i-i" She spluttered. Harry and I laughed, "Butterbeers anyone?" I looked at him. "I mean, I've never had alcohol before, I guess i could try it." The pain-in-the-ass boy snickered loudly. I tilted my head, confused as to why he was laughing but before i could say anything, we had already disapparated and reappeared in Hogsmeade.

Hermione's POV: The three of us walked into The Three Broomsticks and found a booth. A waitress came over, and to Harry's liking, asked what we would have. "I- uh c-could we, I-I" his nervous state was very amusing to watch. "Three butterbeers please." I spoke up, knowing Harry wouldn't be able to. She nodded and walked away. "Real smooth." Y/N giggled as Harry slowly sunk into his seat, his face bright red. After around five minutes, the waitress came back with our drinks. Harry, once again, embarrassed himself but still managed to get a date with the girl. Y/N took a small sip of her drink and almost choked. "Alright there?" I questioned jokingly. "What the hell is in this thing?" She shouted. "Butterscotch and alcohol." Harry answered. Y/N stood up from the seat and kissed my hairline. "Take this back to the bar babe? I'll be in the bathroom wishing i never drank that." She pushed her full glass to me and walked away. "Some girlfriend you got there." Harry watched me as Y/N walked away. I kept my gaze on her, smiling. "Trust me, I know." I muttered, my eyes still fixed on her figure, slowly disappearing.

      I returned Y/N's butterbeer to the bar and turned to walk away but there was another figure, inches away from my face. "Fancy running into you here." His voice sounded like he was trying to seduce me. "C-cormac! H-hi." I stuttered, surprised to see him standing right in front of me. "Why don't you and I go out for a meal, then maybe we could go back to my place?" He winked. His hands were either side of me, holding his body up against the bar tabletop, stopping me from moving. I could feel his cold breath against my neck. "I-i, uh, I have a girlfriend." My voice faltered as I tried to escape his uncomfortable holds. "I don't see her." He whispered, slowly leaning closer to my left ear. "Turn around." I heard a voice as Cormac lifted his head up and turned around.

"Now you see her" Y/N picked her fist up and threw it at Cormac's nose. "Stay away from my girlfriend or i swear to god i will invert your ribcage and fill your ears with cement." She threatened. Cormac ran away, holding his nose and whimpering.

     "Are you okay? Did he touch you anywhere? He didn't hurt you did he? I'll kill the creep-" I slammed my lips against Y/N, shutting her up. She cupped my cheeks as my finger nails dug into the back of her neck. I felt her smile against my lips. We both pulled away, lightly laughing. "That shut you up." I uttered. We both stared into each other's eyes for a while. "Has anyone actually ever told you how beautiful you are?" She asked me. I bit my lip and watched hers quietly, feeling my cheeks heat up again. I shook my head slowly as Y/N lifted my chin up with her fingers, so my eyes were locked with hers again. "Well, you are. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met." She placed a light peck on my lips and took my hand, squeezing it. "Back to the table?" Y/N asked. I was lost for words. I'd never met anyone more caring, loving and protective of me in my life. Y/N was perfect. And she was mine.

Y/N's POV: We sat back down in the booth, meeting Harry's warm smile. "What's got you so happy Potter?" I asked him, smirking. "I got that waitress' name and number! But, um, I think you should be asking Hermione instead." He responded looking at Hermione. She looked very out of it, swirling a spoon around her butterbeer, with an adorable smile on her face. "Mione?" I snapped her out of her daze as she looked at me and then at the floor blushing. She started fanning herself, "I-is it hot in here?" She panted. "Has been since you walked in." I said, Harry and I smirking as Hermione hid her face in her hands. "Looks like someone's finally broken Hermione!" Harry joked as I watched my embarrassed girl. "Y'know, I'd keep going but I think I'm starting to get to you babe." I winked at her seductively. I knew I had done it when she stood up abruptly and went to the toilets. Harry tried so hard to keep himself from laughing but I don't think he could help it. To be honest, neither could I.
We both sat there for a bit until Hermione came back out, her face all wet with water. "Y-you alright?" I asked, examining her soaked hair. "Fine. Let's go." She spoke quickly, gathering her things. "Why don't we take you to honeydukes Y/N?" Harry suggested. I smiled and nodded, picking my coat up and handing it to Hermione. She took it reluctantly and put it over herself as we left the pub.

Hermione, Harry and I all walked in silence for a bit. I'm not really a big fan of silence, so I decided to break it. "I, uh, I have a question." I didn't actually have a question, but I wanted to break the weird silence between us, so I made one up on the spot. "Ok.." Harry looked at me. "Who is Voldemort?" I questioned. I didn't actually know who he was, so I was glad that I could think of something worth asking. Harry cleared his throat and looked down at the ground as the three of us continued to walk. "He, um. Voldemort is the most powerful dark wizard in the history of Wizardry. Many people are afraid of him so he is called you-know-who or he-who-must-not-be-named. H-he killed my parents." Harry's voice cracked quite a bit as he spoke. "You're very inspiring Harry. You know that? It takes a lot of guts to try gather a large group of people, train them and have them help you take down an asshole like Voldemort. I'm sure your parents would be proud." I pushed him playfully as he sent me a grateful smile. I nodded and looked at Hermione, who was already watching me. I took her hand and smiled as she squeezed mine and kissed my cheek. My god I love her warm lips against my skin. We both turned away and looked ahead at the massive shop in front of us.

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