In Between V

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Realizing what he did, realizing what she said, he left his place to follow her. He ran to her unit is fast as he can and he started ringing her doorbell.

"Please, please, please, open the door."He whispered as he continue to press her doorbell button.

"Excuse me, sir?"A voice called for him all of a sudden and it is a staff from their building.

"Are you looking for Ms. Streep?"The staff asked him.

"Uhmm y-yes."He answered.

"She left the building a few minutes ago and I don't know what's wrong but she's hysterical when she left."The staff uttered and that made him run his fingers through his hair.

"It's my fault. Shit, it's my fault."He whispered under his breathe.

"Okay, thank you."He uttered before going back to his unit.

Running through the white halls, she rushed through the information center as she try to compose herself.

"Uhmm H-Harry Streep's room?"She asked right away.

"Your relationship with the patient, ma'am?"The nurse asked.

"His daughter."She answered.

"Room 4041, ma'am."The nurse said after a few moments and she nodded.

"Thank you."She said before once again rushing to her father's room.

She gasped the moment she reached the room and her mother hugged her right away.

"What happened?"She asked when she saw all the machines connected to her father.

"He had a cardiac arrest and they scheduled a surgery for him later."Her mother explained.

"He's been looking for you."Her mother uttered and she nodded before sitting beside her father's bed.

"He's sorry for campaigning for Pierce. He's just upset because he thinks that you don't want him in your campaign."Her mother said all of a sudden and she held her father's hand.

"M-Mary, don't shock Mary Louise."A voice suddenly uttered that made them look up.

"D-Dad."She said softly and his father looked at her.

"I never said that I don't want you in my campaign, okay?I just really want this campaign to be about me and not you that's why I never called you."She uttered and her father smiled.

"You're gonna win, sweetheart, I'm sure of that."His father uttered and she smiled.

"I'm gonna back out of the race, dad. You are more important."She said and her father kissed her hand.

"I was never a good father to you, I know that, and I'm sorry for that. But I am still your dad, Meryl, I still know when something is wrong with my daughter."Her father uttered and tears started rolling down her cheeks once again.

"I don't think I can be a mayor, dad. Not rigt now."Meryl said and her father's forehead creased.

"Meryl, my love, yes, you can be a mayor. You are overqualified to be the mayor, not because you are my daughter,"Her father started and the two of them giggled.

"But because I know how smart you are."Her father added.

"I uhmm fell in love, daddy."She said almost a whisper.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots): Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now