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Rushing to her parents' house with a smile plastered on her face, she is immediately greeted by her little sisters.

"Gracie!"Nicky squealed as she run to her to hug her.

"Gathie!"Lia also squealed, also running to her.

"Hi, you guys!"Grace greeted as she hug the two.

"Where's mom and pops?"Grace asked as she carry Lia.

"Mom is at her garden and dad is not yet home."Nicky answered.

"Alright, call pops to go home as soon as he can. I'll just go to mom."Grace said and Nicky immidiately obeyed her sister.

"Mom!"Grace yelled as she walk to her mother's garden with Lia in her arms.

"Hi, Gracie!"Meryl greeted before kissing Grace's cheek.

"Hi, mom, how are you?"Grace asked.

"I'm great. How are you?Haven't seen you in days."Meryl answered as she drop her gardening tools.

"I just wanna tell you uhmm something super important."Grace said and Meryl hummed.

"Well, dad is not yet home. You can maybe say the news when he's already home."Meryl uttered.

"I'm excited to tell you this news but let's wait for pops. I'll order pizza while we wait."Grace replied.

"Fieth, too, peathe."Lia suddenly intervened that made Meryl and Grace laugh.

"Okay, Gracie will order fries for Lia."Grace said and Lia clapped her hands with a huge smile drawn on the little girl's face.

"Gracie, daddy said that he will be home in about two hours but he also said that he will try to be home as early as he can."A voice suddenly uttered and they are sure that it's Nicky.

"Can you wait for that long or you have to be somewhere?"Meryl asked.

"Nicky, can you just call everyone who is available?Tell them that we'll have dinner here."Grace yelled.

"Okay!"Nicky replied before running back to their house.

"Seems like a super important announcement."Meryl said and Grace nodded with a hum.

"It is a super important announcement."Grace uttered with a smile.

"Can I call Mark?"Grace asked all of a sudden as they walk to their house and Meryl's forehead creased.

"Yes, sure! You two are flying to London in a few days, right?"Meryl asked.

"Yeah, we are."Grace answered.

"By the way, do you wanna see Lia's photos from the photoshoot that dad set up?"Meryl asked all of a sudden.

"Yes, why did dad set up a photoshoot anyways?"Grace asked as she drop Lia on her feet.

"Well, he wanted to send photos of Lia to the company because he thinks that Lia can be a fit for the movie that he will produce."Meryl answered.

"Oh, wow, Lia's going to be an actress, huh?"Grace asked and Lia giggled.

"Care to tell me though how's it going with you and Mark?"Meryl asked and Grace smiled.

"We're doing amazing mom, trust me."Grace answered and Meryl raised a brow.

"The last time you told me to trust you, you got married and got divorced in less than two months."Meryl said and Grace let out a sigh.

"Mom, that's the past. Can we stop bringing up the past?"Grace asked.

"Okay, okay, sorry. It's just that, I'm concerned about you and I don't want you to get hurt again, you're my daughter and I love you so much."Meryl answered.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots): Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now