Runaway I

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Her POV:

I felt my world slow down and there, everything just snapped. I spun around not really certain with what I am going to do but I started running. I ignored all their yells, I blurred everyone because all I wanted do is runaway.

Runaway from the biggest mistake of my life that I nearly made.

I ran and ran feeling my heart shatter into a thousand pieces as tears roll down my cheeks.

With nowhere to go, I am now officially lost. Not just mentally and emotionally, but physically.

I ran and I ran not really sure where I'm heading. My feet are starting to hurt, it is getting more difficult to breathe, and that just made me stop. I closed my eyes, taking the time to catch my breathe.

I hissed as I remove my ridiculous shoes and I know all eyes are on me, but I didn't care. I don't wanna care.

Now what?I have ran away. I think, I have.

I took a deep breathe before starting to walk again. Maybe now it is time to walk. It's time to think what my next step is going to be after making the decision to escape.

Thinking about what I have just done, it was a corageous thing to do and I'm quite proud of myself for having the guts to runaway, however, I haven't thought of that plan through because all I wanted to do was run. Now that I have ran, where am I heading?Where am I going to stay the night?Where am I going to eat?

Did I just run away to kill myself?Although for the record, if I didn't run, staying would kill me alive.

"Excuse me, miss?"A voice asked me all of a sudden and that made me spun around.

"Uhmm yes?"I asked in total confusion as I look at this man in front of me.

"Is this uhmm yours?"He asked before showing me a tiara that is attached to a veil.

I decided to pat the top of my head and I saw his forehead crease. He probably thinks I'm crazy. Maybe I am crazy.

"Yes, that's uhmm mine, you didn't have to uhmm pick it up."I uttered with a nervous giggle.

"Are you okay?Do you need anything?"He asked and I eagerly nodded. Oh, my God, I think I looked desperate.

"Do you maybe know a place where I can stay for a while?I actually don't have money right now so I don't know how that will work."I said softly.

"I actually work at a resort a little far from here, you can stay there."He replied.

"Are you serious?"I asked almost a shout and he laughed.

"I am serious."He answered and I bit my lower lip.

"I don't really have money. I ran away from everything so maybe I can just work there?"I suggested and he nodded.

"Let's see when we'll get there."He said and I smiled.

I watched through his car's window as we leave the city and I looked behind me.

And as we get farther and farther away, I felt more relieved. More free.

"I'm Meryl, by the way. Thank you for somehow saving me."I uttered, looking at him, and he smiled.

"I'm Pierce. I don't know how I ended up helping you but maybe it's meant to be."He said that made me giggle.

"Let's get you proper clothes for a while."He suddenly uttered before parking his car on a small building and I quickly held onto his arm.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots): Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now