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"Meryl?Meryl?!"A voice called for her that made her snap out of her thoughts.

"What now, Pierce?"She asked, calmly.

"Why didn't you tell me that Kaia was rushed to the hospital?"He asked almost a shout that made her stand up.

"Oh, please."She whispered but loud enough for him to hear.

"That was last week. She's okay, the doctor gave her medicine."Meryl said and he did a facepalm.

"Are you crazy?You didn't call me, or even texted me that out daughter was rushed to the hopital!"He exclaimed.

"Oh, really?We tried to call you for fifty fucking times and you're going at me like you are so concerned of our daughter being rushed to the hospital?"She roared.

"Then you should've tried calling me again."He retorted and her forehead creased.

"My daughter is unconsious and you think I still have time to wait for you?Do you think we still have time to adjust to you, huh?Is that what you're sayi'n?"She asked and he shook his head.

"You're unbelievable, Meryl. Unbelievable."He uttered.

"You are, too."She replied.

"What is wrong with you?"He asked and she raised a brow.

"What?"She asked in cofusion.

"What is wrong with you?Why are you withdrawing from me?Why are you so hard on me?What did I do to have this kind of treatment from you?"He asked and she laughed.

"You really are asking me that?"She asked, still laughing.

"You really are the one asking me that?"She asked again.

"Ask yourself, not me."Meryl said before leaving their room that made him confused and more upset.

"Who the hell stained the sofa?!"Meryl yelled the moment she reached their living room but no one answered her.

"Alissandra, Olivia, Kaia!"She roared and the girls went running to her.

"Yes, mommy?"Kaia asked.

"Who stained the sofa?"Meryl asked calmly.

"Me."A voice suddenly intervened that made the girls look up. It is Pierce.

"Did you know that the sheets of the sofa are new?"Meryl asked.

"You can change them again."Pierce answered.

"Are you kidding me?!"She asked almost a shout.

"It's just a sofa, Meryl."Pierce said sternly.

"It is not JUST a sofa, Pierce. Everyday I work my ass off looking out for our children, shooting a movie, and making the house clean and you want me to change it because it is JUST a sofa?"Meryl asked almost a shout.

"You know what, I'm tired of you whining."He said before grabbing his jacket and his car keys.

"Oh, really?I'm tired of you being so arrogant and selfish!"Meryl yelled and Pierce just left.

Meryl ran her fingers through her hair as she stare at their door and she eventually looked at their girls.

"You didn't have to witness that. I-I'm sorry."Meryl said softly.

"Go to your rooms and uhmm maybe rest."Meryl said and the girls just nodded.

Meryl sat on the sofa before looking at the stain that she was mad about and tears started rolling down her cheeks. She picked up her phone after a few moments and she dialled a number.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots): Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now