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Checking her phone before dropping her things and plopping herself down her couch, she let out a sigh as she started massaging her temple. God, I'm just exhausted. She thought to herself but she just went to take a shower before officially calling it a day.

Almost disengaging from the crowd that he is with, he kept on checking his phone, seemingly waiting for a message or a call but as the night went deeper and deeper, nothing. He went home intoxicated and just called it a night. The next day, he groaned as he felt his head throbbing in pain. He immediately grabbed his phone before dialling a number and he just thanked God that the call was answered.

"Hey, I'm on my way to work." The voice on the other line uttered.

"Oh." He uttered in dismay.


"A little, yeah." He replied, making her hum.

"Were you able to come home last night?" He asked, trying to start another conversation.

"Yeah, Third picked me up and I am using his car right now."

"I was about to ask if I can pick you up."

"You don't have to and besides, we're finishing late today."

"How about lunch, are you free?"

"I think so. Why?"

"I just wanna see you. I miss you , my love."

"I guess we can see each other." She said, making him smile a little.

"Are you mad?" He asked, making her forehead crease.

"Why'd you ask?"

"Nothing, just asking."

"I don't know. Can we just uhmm talk later? I'm driving." She uttered, making him let out a sigh.

"Okay, sorry. I love you."

"Yeah, see you later."

He just shook his head before once again closing his eyes and for almost the whole morning, he just stayed in bed after grabbing a bite and taking some pain reliver until it was time for him to go to where his girlfriend is. He bought a boquet of flowers before buying their food, and when he got there, she's still doing a scene, making him decide to just wait in her trailer.

"Oh, I didn't know you're already here." A voice suddenly uttered after a few moments.

"Hey, baby." He greeted before standing up and planting a kiss on her lips.

"How's hangover?" She asked as she watched him sit before sitting on his lap.

"Not as bad as this morning." He answered and she hummed as she prepared their lunch.

"How's work?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"A little tiring but I am surprisingly having fun. And to think that I almost did not take this." She replied with a light giggle.

"I missed you, my love." He suddenly whispered, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Really? Even last night?" She asked, looking at him, making him frown.

"I know you're upset that I was not able to pick you up last night knowing that you don't have a car at the moment, but you also know that we have been planning that night out for months now. You also know that I rarely go out with my friends," He started but she didn't say a word, making him let out a sigh.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots): Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now