Family Q&A

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"Family, let's move it!"A voice exclaimed as she wait for the rest of her family get ready.

"Paging Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan, be more professional and move faster."That same person uttered.

"Oh, my God, Olivia, relax."Meryl uttered as she walk out of her and her husband's room.

"Mom, the earlier we start to film, the earlier we finish."Olivia said and Meryl let out a sigh.

"Pierce, c'mon!"Meryl exclaimed.

"Okay, okay, I'm here."Pierce said, finally walking out of their room.

"We're doing this again?We did this like over three or four years ago."Pierce complained.

"Dad, a lot happened in those years. Alexandra is finally born, Kaia got pregnant and Leanore was born. People need updates."Olivia explained.

"What are the questions?Does mom and I enjoy lots of alone time?Yes."Pierce uttered and Meryl laughed but Olivia rolled her eyeballs.

"Ali, Kaia, dad is being grumpy!"Olivia yelled.

"Daddy!"Alissandra and Kaia roared that made Pierce's eyes go round.

"Okay, okay, I'm not being grumpy anymore."Pierce said and Meryl and Olivia giggled.

They headed to where they are going to film for Kaia's vlog which Pierce is obviously not always up for it.

"Okay, let's just get on with this."Pierce uttered as he sit beside Meryl.

"This is what our kids want, babe."Meryl said softly and she kissed his cheek.

"Are we all ready now?"Kaia asked.

"Yes!"The twins exclaimed and Kaia laughed.

"Okay, everyone, we're rolling!"Kaia announced.

"Hello everyone, it's Kaia Celestine here, and welcome back to my channel!"Kaia uttered as she look straight onto the camera.

"As you can see, the whole family is here with me which is so hard to do these days, but today, we are once again doing a Family Q&A with the questions that you guys asked on instagram."Kaia once again uttered.

"For those who are new to our little sister's vlog, we are going to introduce the members of our family. Starting with me, I'm Alissandra, the eldest sister and beside me is my husband, Steven."Alissandra uttered.

"I'm Olivia, I'm Alissandra's twin sister, and I'm obviously the single one in here."Olivia started that made them giggle.

"Beside me is our beautiful mommy and handsome daddy."Olivia added and Meryl and Pierce waved their hands with a smile.

"And of course, beside me is my amazing partner, Ethan."Kaia uttered.

"Alexandra and Leanore are playing that's why they're not here but when those two wanted to join, if it permits their time, you might see those two munchkins join us."Kaia said that elicited laughters from them.

"Okay, for the first question,"Kaia started.

"How is your experience so far as a first time mother and did Alissandra give you some tips?"Kaia asked, reading from her phone.

"So far, I'm still learning, motherhood have lots of ups and downs even at this time but I am also having fun because we have a cheeky little girl who never fails to amaze every single day."Kaia explained.

"And as of tips, Alissandra have helped me a lot, it also helps that we both have princesses, and of course, so much of the help is from the OG mommah, our mommy, her tips are just so helpful."Kaia added and Meryl smiled.

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