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Walking down the stairs, hearing the music being played in the background, mixed with the chatters, and the sound of the glasses clinking by the bar. He sat on a stool before resting his camera bag on the table, and he looked around the place before he lifted the camera and pressed the shutter.

"What would I get for you, sir?"A voice asked him all of a sudden.

"Oh, uhmmm, a whiskey, please."He answered and the bartender smiled with a nod.

He resumed taking photos, looking for some interesting subjects, and after a few more moments, the lights dimmed as the band start playing. The spotlight suddenly went on and he heard gasps. A woman suddenly walked to the middle of the stage, and silence.

"I want a..."The woman started and he walked immediately to a better spot.

"Sunday kind of love..."The woman continued singing as he raise his camera.

"A love to last past Saturday night..."She closed her eyes, breathing in and breathing out.

He clicked shutter twice before walking nearer the stage and he stopped. She looked around, trying to get a glimpse of the crowd, and a flash of camera caught her eyes.

"And I'd like to know it's more than love at first sight..."She watched as he slowly drop the camera from his face, and she quickly met with his gaze.

"And I want a Sunday kind of love...Oh yea yea..."She continued singing, still not looking away from him and she smiled.

He watched as she continue singing and he carefully walked to the side of the stage before once again pressing the shutter button.

"Good evening, to all the regulars, you know me."The woman who just sang uttered and she received applause and some squeals that made her giggle.

"To the newcomers, let me introduce myself, I'm Meryl, and our first song was Sunday Kind of Love by the marvelous Etta James."She continued that earned her another round of applause.

He headed back to where he is from which is by the bar, and his eyes never left the stage. He grabbed the glass of whiskey that's waiting beside his camera bag and he decided to capture her more with his camera from a distance.

Walking off the stage after the last song, she all-smiles greeted some of the people that praised her before she walked to the bar before sitting on the stool and a bartender approached her right away.

"Good show, Meryl."The man uttered and she smiled.

"Thank you, Tommy, can I have my usual now?"She asked.

"It's ready for you now, ma'am. One gin and tonic for our beautiful singer tonight."Tommy answered and she smiled.

"And can I ask you something, Tommy?"She asked before sipping on her drink and Tommy nodded with a hum.

"I saw a man earlier, and he is uhhmm taking photos,"She started.

"Oh, him. Mr. Brosnan?"Tommy asked.

"I don't really know his name but I just saw him earlier."She answered.

"He is sir Pierce, he is a known photographer and his subjects vary depending on his mood."He explained and she just nodded.

Walking in his cold, dark studio, he switched on the lights before dropping his camera bag on a table. He grabbed his camera, before taking out the films and he smiled.

Hanging the wet and developed photos, he stared at them. He leaned on the wall as he purse his lips, and he let out a sigh.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots): Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now