Beautiful Mistake II

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"I am pregnant and you're the father."She answered that made his eyes go round.

"Excuse me, what?"He asked, trying to be calm.

"I am ten weeks pregnant and you are the father. I know it is unbelievable that a stranger will just tell you that you got her pregnant, believe me, I was shocked, too, when I found out that I am pregnant but we can do a paternity test."She answered.

"Wait, wait, let me process this for second."He uttered and she kept mum.

"I am not crazy, if that's what you're thinking."She said after a few moments.

"I did some of my research and we can do a paternity test now. I will pay for it, don't worry."She added.

"What's your name again?"He asked.

"Meryl. Meryl Streep. And you're Pierce Brosnan, right?"She asked.

"Yes, I am."He answered.

"I know mr. Brosnan that it is crazy that someone like me who just own a small clothing botique will just go here to tell you that you are the father of my child but when I was growing up, I promised to myself that my baby won't grow up without a father. We don't need to live together or be in a relationship, I just want my baby to grow up with a dad because I didn't have one."Meryl explained and he pressed a button on his table all of a sudden.

"What's that, sir?"A voice asked after a few moments. It is his assistant.

"Cancel my meetings this afternoon."He answered and his assistant nodded.

"Copy, sir."She uttered before leaving his office.

"I will choose the lab where we are going to have the paternity test."Pierce said and she slowly nodded.

"S-Sure, if that's what you want."Meryl replied.

"How well do you remember that night if ever I really had sex with you?"He asked that made her gulp the lump on her throat.

"The party was in a mansion like far from the city, I arrived there with my friend that is also my business partner. We talked to the people that are there, but I got carried away with the drinks and I remember meeting you by the pool. You were talking to a guy, Robin is his name if I'm not mistaken,"She started.

"You asked if I want more drinks and I said 'yes'. We danced a little then after a few moments, you whispered if we can leave the area and I said 'yes' again. Then you dragged me to a room that is at the second floor of the place, and it started there."She added and he squinted his eyes.

"Write the address of where I can fetch you after lunch, I'll call the lab."He uttered before showing her his notepad.

"Uhmm y-yeah."She replied before grabbing a pen to write the address of their botique.

"Here. I also uhmm wrote my number, just in case."Meryl said and he nodded.

"Okay, I'm going now. Thank you for your time."Meryl said before leaving his office.

The moment she left his office, he started thinking about what he did at the party that happened more than two months ago.

Meryl arrived at their botique after that meeting with Pierce and Christine looked at her right away.

"How did it go?"Christine asked.

"He uhmm agreed to have a paternity test and he is so calm about it, fortunately."Meryl answered.

"Hmm, you think you have a good baby daddy?"Christine asked and Meryl shrugged her shoulders.

"I can't say if it is a yes or a no yet. We still need to do the paternity test."Meryl answered and she looked at her little baby bump.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots): Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now