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Left alone in their house babysitting, it is just squeals and laughters with a little girl just running around.

"Olivia, why are we the ones babysitting again?"She asked as she pick up another dirty diaper.

"Because her parents are in a meeting with our parents."Olivia answered.

"Alexandra, c'mon, your snack is ready."Olivia uttered and the little girl ran to her right away.

"Hey, she doesn't have her fresh diapers yet."Kaia yelled.

"Hey, Kai, chill. She just took a big dookie and she's a little smart girl, she'll tell if she's going to pee."Olivia uttered as she carry Alexandra to her high chair.

"Alexandra, am I your mama or aintín?"Olivia asked all of a sudden and the little girl stared at her.

"Tintin."Alexandra answered.

"How about me?"Kaia asked.

"Mama."Alexandra answered that made the two gasp.

"You think I'm your mama?"Kaia asked excitedly and Alexandra nodded her head.

"Because you have the same hair color as her mama, that's why."Olivia uttered.

"You keep on changing your hair color and style that's why. You always feel like you're Cher, well, I hate to break it to you, she wears wigs."Kaia retorted.

"But Cher is one of mom and dad's closest friend and she's a nice woman, she's a great bad bitch, you know."Olivia said softly.

"You can't look like her though."Kaia said.

"Obviously, I can't. She's Armenian, I'm Irish."Olivia replied.

"No, don't want, pease."Alexandra suddenly intervened and the two looked at her.

"What?You don't want the milk?"Olivia asked and the little girl nodded with a hum.

"What do you want, then?KaiKai wil get it for you."Kaia uttered.

"Choco, pease?"Alexandra asked and Kaia nodded.

"You're such a smart little girl, thinking that you're only one and a half."Kaia uttered.

"You know, I think I'm not the brightest among us three."Olivia suddenly uttered.

"Yeah, that's why you're the actress. And you're the one sleeping around."Kaia said with a straight face and Olivia's forehead creased.

"That's rude. Our parents are actors."Olivia said almost a shout.

"Yes, but our mom graduated from two schools and our dad literally have his own company."Kaia retorted.

"Oh, shut up, you're almost thirty and you're not even settled."Olivia said sternly.

"You're the one to talk, huh?You're almost thirty-two, you don't even have a stable boyfriend, you're photographed with different men almost every week, I don't wanna be sexist or misogynist at all but I just don't think that you should call me out for being not settled when you're also aren't, and your twin sister have a good husband, a beautiful daughter and is planning on having another child."Kaia explained.

"I just said that I am not the brightest one and this conversation have taken us into a whole another level."Olivia uttered.

"Yes, and I said that you aren't but that didn't make you less of a sister to me and Alissandra and less of the daughter to mom and dad."Kaia explained.

"And I don't really care if you sleep around, I just want to clapback at you."Kaia added.

"Because it makes you feel better?"Olivia asked and Kaia nodded before the two of them laughed.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots): Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now