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"Who is going to the grocery store with me?"Meryl asked her family who is currently in their living room, watching television.

"Me, mommy!"A voice suddenly yelled and it's her youngest, Kaia.

"I need one more person to come because it seems like my husband doesn't care."Meryl said and Pierce looked at her.

"You get annoyed with me at the grocery store, babe."Pierce said and Meryl giggled.

"Well, that's true."Meryl said and Pierce just laughed.

"Steven's coming with you, he is gonna buy some of my cravings."Alissandra uttered and Meryl nodded.

"Get your masks, then."Meryl said and the two who is going with her nodded.

"You really don't wanna come?"Meryl asked Pierce as she walk towards him.

"No, babe. Just give me one kiss."Pierce said and Meryl slowly bent down to plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"Mom, can you buy chips at the grocery store?"Olivia asked all of a sudden.

"What else?"Meryl asked.

"You know those cheese spreads?"Olivia asked and Meryl nodded with a hum.

"One of those."Olivia said and Meryl nodded.

"Okay, I'll buy them."Meryl said and Olivia smiled.

"Thanks mom, love you."Olivia said and Meryl giggled.

"Love you, more."Meryl replied.

Meryl left with Kaia and Steven after a few moments and Pierce is left with the twins, Alissandra and Olivia.

"I'm getting food in the kitchen, what do you want?"Olivia asked her sister all of a sudden.

"Can you get me a buttered bread with a little salt and chili flakes on top?"Alissandra asked and Olivia nodded.

"Sure."Olivia answered before standing up.

"If it weren't for my niece, I wouldn't get you food."Olivia said as she walk to their kitchen and Alissandra laughed.

"Whatever, you'll love this li'l one when she's out."Alissandra uttered.

"Of course, I will. I am gonna take her shoppimg, I have savings that is exclusively for my niece and I to spend. We will travel together, I'll be the best auntie, duh."Olivia said and it made Pierce and Alissandra giggle.

"Okay, I'm going to the bathroom."Alissandra uttered before standing up.

"Daddy, my water broke!"A voice yelled after a few moments and it made Pierce's eyes go round.

"What?!You are kidding?"Pierce asked as he stand up.

"No, dad, I'm not."Alissandra answered.

"So what are we going to do?Let's go to the hospital now?Olivia, your sister's water broke!"Pierce yelled before helping Alissandra sit.

"I'm getting the hospital bag!"Olivia yelled as she run upstairs.

"And the car keys, too!"Pierce exclaimed and he is just holding his daughter's hand.

Behind Closed Doors(PeRyl One Shots): Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now