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I walk out of the locker room, now wearing my PE clothes, that Jaden got me a few weeks back. I always thought of returning it to him, but I liked wearing his clothes. It smells just like him.

Though, the clothes were a bit large on me, I didn't really mind. I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail as I walked towards where everyone else was. I noticed that Jaden wasn't here yet, which didn't surprise me much since he's always late to everything.

"Get into a group of six, girls on the right side and boys on the left. Hurry up, we only have forty minutes for this." Mr. Kale said, catching everyone's attention. Some cheered while others whined.

After a minute or so, they all started to form groups. I took in a deep breath before approaching a group with only five girls. They raised their brows when they saw me. I gulped. They didn't look too nice but didn't look quite mean either.

"Ca- can I be in your group?" I ask timidly. The one in the middle steps closer to me as an enchanting smirk forms on his face. "Su- sure." She mimics the way I spoke. I frowned but didn't think much of it.

"Thank you-" my words got cut off short when the volleyball was thrown right at me. I lost my balance and fell right on the wooden floor. I let out a sharp yelp when my bottom makes contact with the cold ground.

Threads of laughter filled the room as I stared at the floor with embarrassment. My lips quivered as I struggled to stand back up. When I tried to reach for someone's hand, I was thrown back down, this time scratching my knees.

Tears formed in my eyes, not because I was hurt but because of the embarrassment. The sad part was that nobody was helping me. Most were busy laughing and the others were just not caring.

"Wha-" another painful scream overtook my words when I feel more balls hitting my body all at once. Tears began to stream down my face. "This is what you get slut, always getting all the boys, huh? Now they'll see how ugly you can get." One of them snickered.

All of a sudden, their whole expression changed. The whole room went silent. I wiped away my tears and turned my head around only to see a tall figure standing behind me. My eyes widened, oh no.

With a swift on an eye, two balls were thrown at the girls, managing to make them fall. Everyone stared at us with wide eyes. Jaden helped me stand up and wrapped his strong arms around my waist. My knees felt wobbly all of a sudden.

In a matter of seconds, I was being picked up. I squirmed under his hold. "You're lucky, I don't hit girls." Jaden clenched his jaw and glared at the girls who were now curled into a ball. They looked really scared. I don't blame them, I would be scared too if someone looked at me like the way Jaden is looking at them. If only looks could kill...

"Jaden..." I tried to calm him down, but it made him even angrier. He carried me out of the gym, ignoring the teacher's shouts. I closed my eyes and let more tears fall down my face. I felt so weak, why couldn't I stand up for myself?

A loud slam caused me to open my eyes. I see myself in the nurse's office. Mrs. Miller, our nurse, snapped a look at Jaden and then at me. "Jaden? Why are you here? Do you have a pass?" She asked with concern.

Jaden put me down on the bed and looked around for something. "Where do you put your first-aid kit again?" He asked. I see the nurse sigh and pull out a box from a cabinet.

"You can't always do this, let me help her. It doesn't even look like she's in pain." She mumbled as I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"Can you leave?" Jaden rolled his eyes. Mrs. Miller whined at first but left after a few seconds. How can Jaden just order the nurse to leave her own office? He is acting like the principal or someone who's very important.

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