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F I R S T day of work.

Just the thought of that got me all wrecked up. Fuck, I'm nervous.

I roll up my car window and continue to stare out through the tinted glass at the huge building ahead.
The building could fit in 10 houses the size of mine.

I was examining the building since I didn't really notice much of it last time I came by. It was tall, really really tall. There was a double door entrance and on top of it had a sign that read; 'J-Carter Corporation' in black and gold block letters.

Standing on both sides of the door were two bulky looking men whom I assume are the security guards.

I pull out the car key and shut off the engine. I see my phone screen light up to a message from Shay.

I grab the phone and posed in front of the camera as it has a photo lock on which automatically opened up my phone. I tap on the green message icon on the very bottom of my screen and tap on Shay's name.

girl hurry up i can't wait to see youu 😩

I'm like right outside in the parking lot, I'll be there in like a sec

ok bett


I close the imessage app and tap on the camera icon. I look at myself for a few seconds making sure I don't look like a zombie. I fix my lashes which was somehow stuck together.

I then click a picture of myself and transfer it over to instagram and post with the caption saying "first day of work, kinda nervous"

I laugh out loud.

Just a couple of seconds later I see a notification pop up saying someone liked my picture. It was my mom. I smile before plopping my phone inside my carry bag and slip out of my car.

I shut the door on my way towards the building.

I stop for a second realizing that I didn't put on my badge. Shay got me a tag with my name, room number and my work info written on it.

I let out a frustrated sigh before turning around, the minute I did, I got startled by a zooming car flashing towards me. My eyes goes wide as I trip on a small pebble falling straight to the concrete road.

I let out a sharp yelp when my bottom make contact with the cold dirty ground. "Oh my god," I almost scream.

I hear the car guy honking at me a couple of times but I was too distracted by the fact that I was on the ground with my knees bleeding from a small scratch which looked pretty big at the moment.

"SHUT UP!" I yell as the stupid car kept on continuing to honk at me. I finally look up at the demon who kept on making me want to un-alive myself.

And that demon is, you guessed it-

Jaden Carter, who's #1 in my list of all the men I ever hated.

I roll my eyes seeing him sitting in his car, staring directly at me with his green eyes which looked almost brown right now.

"What the hell is your problem??" I shout at him causing a few bystanders to look at me as they walk by. I wonder if I can sue Jaden for attempt murder, or if I can even put him in jail.

Some random guy jogged up to me with a concerned look on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Bro Im here screaming, shaking and crying, do I look okay to you?" I made a weird face which was a mixture of a forced, crackled smile, narrowed eyes and my scrunched nose.

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