New Feelings

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It's been about a month since the snap has happened and after it everything was chaotic. Wanda has somehow created her own reality and resurrected Vision after stealing his body from S. W. O. R. D which is something like a little daughter branch of shield. You wanted to help but Stephen forbade it, he was carefully having an eye on the situation with Wanda knowing that if you interfere something might happen to you, Wanda or someone else. Bucky and Sam were on missions and so on and so forth. 

You were preparing the room for your baby girl that was on her way. Officially you are pregnant with her for 1 1/2 months but since she is part Frost giant and part Asgardian she grows pretty fast yet the doctors still expect you to give birth to her in about 8 months. The baby bump was quite visible when you wore other things than your tunic from Kamar Taj. The days after Tony's funeral were full of babysitting Morgan at Kamar Taj, the sanctum or now Peppers house. Though Morgan was only 5 she understood that her dad did something amazing and saved the universe. You know that she might have problems growing up without a father, but so will your daughter. You helped Pepper with everything you could and every two weeks Morgan stays a few days with you.

One day you and Morgan were in the library of Kamar Taj because you had to do Wong's job for a day and Morgan had to do her homework.

"I still can't believe you're already in school Morgs...",you sighed as you looked at her through the bookshelves sitting at the table. "It's only first grade, auntie...", Morgan said and turned the page of her math book. "Are you finished?" , you asked Morgan and handed a young apprentice her books so she could read and learn from them. "Almost! Aaaaaaaand... Now I am!", Morgan squealed excited while putting her book in her backpack. "Alright then...", you said and opened a portal that lead into the garden of Peppers house. The garden was still untouched, Morgan's toys were still laying around, it was time to clean it properly. You and Morgan were putting her toys in a box as Pepper came home with new news on Wanda. 

"So it's not really her but a witch named Agatha Harkness? That's.... And you are sure that I shouldn't help?", you asked while sipping on your coffee. "I'm sure... The S. W. O. R. D agents will take care of it and even if something will go wrong Stephen will be there.", she said softly. You looked over to Morgan playing with the little figurine you gave her.

"I could really get used to such a life...", you motioned over to Morgs and Pepper smiled. "And I still can't thank you enough for taking care of her while I had a hard time because of Tony... I can't even think about how you grieved for Loki and how you managed it. I promise to help you with your little girl if you ever need help.", Pepper said and hugged you. "Have you decided for a name yet?", she asked. You smiled already knowing that you had decided. "Edda.... It's the name of an old Norse book Loki loved and I just think the name is perfect...For either honoring him and the name itself. ", you sighed and put your hand on your little baby bump.

Pepper liked the name as well and also proposed that you should be getting a own house or flat. If a toddler will someday roam around in the sanctum there might be a chance that it will get hurt. You already had thought about it and Stephen knew that you wanted to move out because of that and to have your privacy. He was working on getting you a small house with a little flat and you couldn't be happier. You had good friends, your brother was alright, Valkyrie was caring for New Asgard, the pregnancy was going well and you could rest whenever you wanted to. All in all it was a life you never thought you could have without Loki. Loki.... You sometimes could still feel that he was missing in your life and not even the thought of the little life growing inside of you and that is part of Loki could fill up that emptiness.

It was getting late and you decided to leave Pepper and Morgs alone for the rest of the week so both of them could spend some time together. You opened a portal to your room in the sanctum and were met by Stephen. "How are you doing? “, he asked. "Good... And what about you?". " I'm good as well... I have found you a small house with a garden... Care to visit it now before you go to bed? ", he asked and opened a portal. You smiled at him and stepped through it. Your eyes met the most wonderful garden you've ever seen, well you had seen such beauty the last time you were on Asgard. You gasped as you took a look at the house. It wasn't small at all... It was a full mansion and way too big for you alone. "Stephen...... This is way too big for me and Edda.... Even if Morgan might be here for some days... This is too much!", you looked at him with a face that was full of shock and disbelief. Stephen chuckled, he always did this when he knew something that was going to happen." Go inside and take a look... I tell you that you might need that space someday.", he said and led you inside.

There were two bedrooms, a master bedroom and two guest bedrooms. To those were leading its own bathrooms. You were stunned... The size of the rooms weren't what you had expected from seeing the house from the outside it was even bigger considering that there were bathrooms attached to the bedrooms. The kitchen was downstairs and oh boy.... It was beautiful and almost a replica of the kitchen in Asgard. The salon said the living room was beautiful and cozy. Green curtains hung on each side of the windows and a big sliding glass door led back into the garden. Behind one of the curtains was a hidden door which led you to a small office with a lot of empty bookshelves.

It was a dream and this should be your own home. "Are you serious Stephen? How high is the rent?", you asked but you weren't prepared for the answer Stephen was going to give you. 

"There is no rent… This is your house… ItsIt's a gift from Thor to you. He informed me that he had bought that house some time ago for you since you only had your room in his house and a room in the sanctum and Kamar Taj.", he said and leaned on the door. You couldn't believe it. The house was yours, there was already some furniture and you only had to bring in your stuff from Kamar Taj and the sanctum. Joy overfilled you and you jumped in Stephens arms crying. 

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