Settling In

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You turned around to Loki who still was in his normal clothes. You looked down at yourself and snapped, a colorful glow surrounded you and you were dressed in a black leggings a white shirt and some house slippers. "I think it is time to show you around the house, we will live here together for quite some time. And I have to get used to the house as well.", you said and slowly guided him around the house. You stopped in front of your room and turned around to face Loki." Do you want to have your own room or do you want to stay with me? ", you asked him and waited for an answer.

" If it's alright to you, I will gladly stay with you in your room. Maybe it helps you to get used to me again.", he said and scratched the back of his neck." Well then... ", you said and swung the door open to your bedroom. "It's not much because I just moved in but it can be very beautiful and cozy in here.", you said and sat on the bed. He looked around and carefully pulled one book out of its place. "You still have it... I thought it was destroyed when Ragnarök happened.", he held a small red book in his hands. "It's a replica of the original one you had Loki. I got a few replacements of our old books we had on Asgard but not everything... Oh I forgot to show you my little office!", you jumped up and pulled Loki with you. Excited to see his reaction you showed him the hidden library where your bookshelves were half empty.

" It's cozy in here... A fireplace would be a perfect fit for this room. And those curtains are.... ", he walked around the room and touched the silky curtains. "It's beautiful Y/n... I really like it.", he said and walked up to you with a nervous face. "You can hug me Loki... I can still read your mind just so you know.", you giggled and opened your arms. He hugged you and you both sat down in the living room talking to each other. A week later you and Loki came back from a shopping trip with a lot of bags. Most of the stuff wasn't even yours but Lokis. He had insisted that he would need new clothes and not only the spare ones you had flying around.

While you were handing Loki his bags your phone rang. You picked up and Morgan was on the phone. "Morgan... Why are you calling and not your mom? Oh.. She is ill? Give me a few minutes and I'll get your mom some medicine and take you with me ok? Tell her I will be there OK? Yes... Okay I will see you!".
"Who was that?", Loki asked as he came back into the room. "Tony's daughter Morgan... She needs my help and I'm going to pick her up in a few minutes... Can you tell me where the medicine is? I can't find it in the bathroom anymore.", you shouted across the room searching in every drawer for medicine against the flu." I thought you didn't need it so I threw it away! ", Loki said and walked up to you.

Your face went blank." Are you serious? You can't just throw things away Loki! Those weren't for me, yes but for Morgan if she wasn't feeling well when she was staying with me. ", you groaned and grabbed your purse and keys. "What are you doing?".

"No Loki. It's not what am I doing but what are we doing! We are driving to the pharmacy to get new medicine and on top of that, we are getting cheeseburgers after we picked up Morgan!", you hissed at him, your hormones were acting up right now. Loki looked at you and just followed you into your car not saying a word. As you stopped your car in front of the pharmacy Loki grabbed your purse and walked in, leaving you alone in the car. He came out with a small bag and opened the car door to hand you the medecine bag. As he sat down you took a look into the bag and were surprised that everything you needed was there. "I didn't tell you to go in there... How did you know what to get?", you asked him. "I asked the pharmacist, she told me that those are the most commonly used ones and I didn't want you to be angry anymore.. You never were like that or is that because of mood swings?", he asked carefully. You looked at him and then realized what was wrong with you right now.

" Uh I guess.... Let's just pick up Morgan and bring Pepper the medicine, okay? ", you drove off thinking about how you didn't craved for things or had mood swings before. As you tuned into the driveway Morgan was already waiting on the porch for you. As you got out you grabbed the bag and walked up to her. Loki followed and as Morgan noticed him she was confused.

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