A visit on Midgard, who is worthy?

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You woke up next morning to birds chirping outside and a bright sunbeam.

You wanted to go to Midgard right now but needed to make sure that Loki was awake and ready.

You dressed like a midgardian businesswoman and walked out of your chambers and walked down to Loki's chamber.

You knocked but there was no response, so you guessed he was still in bed.

You sneaked in his chamber and you were surprised. He indeed was still in bed but holy shit.

Loki laid in bed, his hair looked like a mess but it looked sexy.

He wore no shirt so you could see his toned back muscles and how his chest raised and sank while he breathed.

You smirked at his sleeping position, he was laying on his stomach and hugged a pillow.

You walked up to his windows and ripped the curtains open. A small groan could be heard from his bed and you walked up to him. You laid down next to him and he immediately cuddled up against you and swung his arms around you.

"Loki... You need to get up", you said and kissed his cheek.

"Nuhhhh... I wanna cuddle.", Loki said in a really cute toddler like voice.

You cuddled up next to him and felt his warmth for a couple of minutes.

You decided to get out of bed and rip the blanket away from Loki.

You looked at him as he groaned and tried to get the blanket back.

You used your magic to lift him up and sat him down on the couch.

"Wake up sleepy head! We need to go to Midgard, now! So maybe you could move your diva like ass and get dressed!", you snarled at him.

He got up and left for the bathroom and a few minutes later he got out of his bathroom, fully dressed in a suit and a small green scarf.

You both walked to the kitchen to get a little snack. You picked up two apples which you wanted to give Heimdall and for yourself you took a piece of toast.

Loki and you take off to the bifrost and once you were there you were greeted by Heimdall.

"y/n... I guess you want to visit your brother?", Heimdalls deep voice echoed through the hall. You nodded, " Indeed Heimdall!

I also brought you your favorite apples", you smiled at him giving him the apples.

He grins and puts the sword into the bifrost.

"You always bring me something when you are here y/n. You are way to kind but I'm really thankful for your gifts you bring along all the time.", he said while turning the sword in its place.

You waved at him and both you and Loki got sucked up by the bifrost.

Only seconds later you were standing in a small office with a window to your right.

You could see into another room and saw your brother Thor sitting chained in a chair.

You nudged Loki in his side and pointed at the window.

You saw how a man walked out the room, so this was your chance.

Loki and you entered the room and Thor looked up.

" Loki! Y/n! I'm so glad to see you", Thor said, happy to see you.

You smiled at him.

Loki explained the whole situation but instead of telling Thor that Odin is in the Odins' sleep he told him that he is dead and that his banishment is the only thing holding the frost giants back.

"Thor even if we found a way to hide you. We can't make the banishment undone, only father can.", you whispered and a tear escaped your eye.

You wanted him home more than anything, to have a happy family back at home. You wanted your father to awake so badly that it hurt you and torn you apart.

Thor looked at you and noticed your expression and that you were crying. He realized that Loki wasn't using his silver tongue (which he did but whatever) to tell him lies again, he could see that there was something big giving you that pain.

"The burden of the throne has fallen to us now Thor... Mother is depressed and told us to rule over Asgard. We are sorry brother.", Loki said and you both vanished out of the room.

You heard Thor saying goodbye and were standing next to Thor.

You managed to get into Loki's mind and talked with him so none of you would make any noise:

"Loki! Why did you tell him that father is dead and he can't return?! That wasn't part of the plan!!".

He looked at you with a saddened smile " y/n, I want us to rule Asgard. We together can make a huge difference and change Asgard.".

You didn't know what to say and stayed silent.

You both walked out of the room down a few hallways into a big room.

In the middle of the room was a huge hole and in the hole was Thors beloved hammer Mjölnir.

" I've heard that Odin put a spell on it. Whoever is worthy should possess the power of Thor and rule Asgard.", Loki said.

You watched him as he got close to the hammer and tried to pick it up.

Nothing happened.

Now Loki was angry and left the room without even saying a word to you.

You looked after him but decided not to go after him. You walked towards the hammer and glanced around to look if someone was watching you.

No one even noticed you so you took your chance and grabbed the hammer.

You thought you had to pull like an idiot but you didn't. You held Thors hammer in your hands and were startled. You remembered what Loki said "Whoever is worthy" and guessed that you may be worthy or because you were the blood of Odin and Thor you were able to pick it up.

You quickly put it back in place and walked outside to see Loki waiting for you.

"What took you so long?", he asked.

"I was thinking about something. Thor tried to lift Mjölnir but nothing happened, you tried to lift it and nothing happened.", you said.

"Did you try to lift it?", Loki asked and arched an eyebrow.

"Yes I did but nothing happened", you lied.

Loki noticed that you were lying and laid his hand on your forehead before you could block him; he searched through your memories.

He jolted backwards as he saw you picking up Mjölnir with ease.

You called Heimdall and were sent back to Asgard. Once you were there you immediately took off and ran, you ran like your life depended on it. You didn't look back and walked into the palace. You ran into your chambers and closed the door.

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