The last magic lesson

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You woke up to a bright light shining in your room. You sighed and got up walking towards the bathroom. You looked into the mirror and saw yourself, your was hair hanging down to your hips and small locks formed at their ends. Your skin was pale and you looked like a ghost and your eyes were shimmering more e/c than they normally did.

You took a quick bath and dried yourself and your hair and then snapped to be left in a green and silver leather armor. Normally you would only wear it for your magic lessons but you knew that when you finish your lesson today you will have to train with Thor and for fighting with your brother it would be more than good enough. You smiled to yourself and thought about how little Thor knows that you already trained yourself and hoped that you didn't need to start with the baby stuff again.

You planned to show your mother how powerful you were and that you weren't as weak as everyone thought.

You walked down to the dining hall smiling and greeting all guards and servants while entering the hall. You sat down at your usual place and waited for the others to come in. To your surprise the first one to enter was your father and he sat down next to you instead of his usual place.

" y/n, my child. I know you think it's quite harsh to just punish you without even saying why, but you need to understand it's only for the best of you. For the best of your brothers and for the best of Asgard.", your father reached for your hand to symbolise that he actually meant it that way. You simply nodded at him and he got up and sat down on his chair at the head of the table. Next Thor and Frigga entered the room.

Your mother just smiled at you and Thor hugged you, almost breaking your ribs again like 6 years ago.

"Today's the day y/n! We start training in the afternoon! Aren't you excited?", Thor said in his oh so mighty and booming voice. You produced a small dagger out of the air pointing it at Thor's neck. " If you break one of my ribs again while hugging me I swear I will kill you and I don't need Loki or my magic for it. So I would prefer to let go if I were you.", you snapped at him causing him to stumble backwards and bump into Loki who just entered the room. " Oh look how feisty my little sister is. We will see if you can even scratch my arm later in training. ", Thor joked while sitting down next to Odin. You glared at him like you wanted to poison his food but soon your gaze fell onto Loki who sat down next to you. You let the dagger disappear and smile at him. " I didn't know that you could do that. ", Loki said with a shocked but still proud voice. You smiled at him causing him to smile back and you both started eating. After breakfast you, Loki and Frigga went into a small room or rather said your training room for your magic.

"Let's see what you can do y/n. Try to protect yourself from Loki and try to get him down. Use your protection shield and all what you got.", Frigga said and pointed to an already in-fight pose standing Loki. You made yourself ready and without a warning Loki attacked you. You sprung to one side leaving a little illusion of a small child sitting on the ground with a snake plushie.

Loki who now was distracted by this illusion could not see you anywhere, he couldn't see through your illusion like he used to. You broke the illusion and stood right next to Loki ready to make your final movements and to bring him down. Loki on the other hand had other ideas and made illusions of himself laughing at you. You rolled your eyes creating a shield around you and spreading it through the room causing all illusions to fade and the real Loki to cry out in pain. He looked like he's being electrocuted and you walked toward him not letting your shield down. You grabbed Loki by the neck and pushed him down to the floor, he cried out in pain when you touched him, he begged you to stop. You broke the shield but not your grasp around Loki's neck. Loki pulled out a dagger out of his sleeve and tried to stab you but couldn't hit you with the blade. He tried at least three times but it was almost like a force surrounded you.

"You did it. You managed to put the protection shield around you!", Frigga cheered and clapped her hands. You let go of Loki and he grasped for air. You got up and walked towards your mother as Loki got up to attack you again. You spun around, held your arm out and casted a spell at Loki which sent Loki flying across the room into a few bookshelves. You ran back to him, snapped your fingers to repair the bookshelves and to let a pillow appear.

" Oh God Loki I didn't mean to hurt you! I'm sorry!", you said while hugging the slightly shocked Loki. Loki's nose was bleeding and he had a cut on his forehead. "No need to apologize y/n. In a fight something like that would happen but I need to say you are extremely strong! How did you do that?!", Loki stuttered and looked at you.

"You know the books which are in the library and your room right? I've read them all and experimented with a few spells ", you proclaimed to him and in the corner of your eye you saw your mother smiling. "Such a powerful daughter... I'm proud of you and even if this was our last lesson. I know that you are already more powerful than me.", Frigga said and hugged you.

"But Loki is older than me, he has more experience! I think he is more powerful than I could ever be!", you looked your mother dead in the eye while pointing at your brother.

Loki got up and joined the hug " You are strong, stronger than me. You will always be the strongest of us. You will be the strongest woman in Asgard. Do you understand y/n? ", he said while tightening the hug. You smiled and hugged him back. After a few minutes the cuddle time was over and you sighed looking at the clock.

"Only three hours till I have to train with Thor. ", you grunted leaving the room and returning to your chamber to freshen yourself up a bit.

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