This Was Suicide!

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While Stephen and Mordo were arguing you walked back to the entrance where Kaecillius had stabbed Drumm. As you entered the room you saw that Kaecillius and two of his men were back. You shouted so loud that Mordo and Strange would hear it. As they arrived Kaecillius was about to blow the Sanctum up. Suddenly as Kaecillius hit the ground with his fist the whole room was surrounded by green shimmer.

You changed dimensions with your tiara, not knowing how but it was still better than the sanctum blowing up.

Stephen landed next to you, "You are in the mirror dimension. You can't affect the real world here.

Who's laughing now, asshole?".

You saw Kaecillius grin, which definitely wasn't good. "I am.", he said and started to fold the whole building. You as well as Stephen and Mordo ran out of the building into the street.

"They've got no sling ring. I mean, they can't escape, right?", Stephen said out of breath and showed you Kaecillius' sling ring.

You heard steps behind you and as you turned around you were faced with Kaecillius and his friends.

"Run!", was all Mordo could say as he pulled you with him. You came to a halt when you were in the middle of a street looking for a way to run.

"Their connection to the Dark Dimension makes

them more powerful in the Mirror Dimension.

They can't affect the real world, but they can still kill us. This wasn't clever. This was suicide!" Mordo yelled at you.

"Yeah sorry this thing doesn't have a manual!" you screeched back as the street under your feet got pulled away. You fell through the city and landed on a bus with Stephen and Mordo.

As you got up the journey only got crazier, now the skyscrapers were bending themselves.

As you were standing on the edge of one you got pushed off.

"This truly was a mistake.", you thought.

Before you could hit the ground you made a shield appear which would somehow soften the impact on the floor but instead coming down on the floor you came down on something like a balcony.

You watched Kaecillius strangle Stephen yet suddenly the piece of the balcony where Stephen was laying on hot ripped away from Kaecillius.

You looked to your side to see the ancient one and some sort of fan shields in her hand.

"It's true. She does draw power from the Dark Dimension.", Mordo said in shock as he looked at the ancient one, who had a red sign like Kaecillius and his friends on her forehead.

"Kaecilius.", she began to speak and walked up to you so you would stand behind her.

"I came to you, broken, lost, bleeding. I trusted you to be my teacher, and you fed me lies.", Kaecilius spät at her.

"I tried to protect you."

"From the truth?" "From yourself."

"I have a new teacher now.", Kaecillius stated proudly.

"Dormammu deceives you. You have no idea of what he truly is.His eternal life is not paradise, but torment. ", the ancient one sighed.

"Liar!", Kaecillius screamed and ran at her.

The ancient one pushed you away and began to fight against the others. You sensed that Kaecillius was up to something and you were quite right. He stabbed the Ancient one through one of his friends and opened a portal behind you and kicked the Ancient one through it.

Since the portal was right behind you, you got kicked out as well.

You could feel how you fell and that the Ancient one was grabbing you.

You tried to make some sort of protection appear but it was too late.

You and the Ancient one hit the ground.

You could hear the screams of people near you and you looked next to you.

There she was, the Ancient one, once in a yellow robe which now was soaked in her and probably your blood too. You felt a warm fluid beneath you and saw Stephen and Mordo approach.

"Oh God... Y/n stay awake!", Stephen begged but you slowly grew tired and closed your eyes.

A bright light, a soft voice. A voice of a woman, a voice you missed so dearly for years since she died.

"Y/n dear... Wake up."

You opened your eyes and laid in a comfortable bed and next to you there she was...

Your mother, Frigga.


"Yes my child, it's me", she said and gave you a kind smile while cupping your face and rubbing away a few tears that were now flowing from your eyes with her thumb.

"Am I dead?", you asked and sat up.

You noticed that you were wearing a white dress, almost like a wedding dress.

"No sweetheart, your time hasn't come yet, but yes this here is Vahalla.", she said and looked sad, "it would be a shame if you would be staying here now."


"You still have much to do, remember when I once told you that there was great and strong power inside you?"

You nodded and looked at your mother. Her hair was glowing in the sunlight which lightened up the whole room you were in.

"You have dark magic flowing in your veins Y/n. That's why you are so strong, well sometimes." she said and booped your nose (lol).

You smiled but were confused.

"But doesn't dark energy only flow in..", you didn't dare to finish the sentence but she knew what you meant and nodded.

"You are right y/n. Now stand up and let me look at you." she said and stood up.

You did what she said and got out if bed. The dress you wore reached only to your knuckles and you noticed that you were barefoot.

Your mother looked at you and smiled proudly.

" Such a wonderful and pretty young woman. "she said and hugged you.

You hugged her back as if your life depended on it. You felt how you slowly faded away and looked at your mother, scared what would happen next.

" Don't be scared, everything will be going to be right. Don't forget you still have that thing there to see me." she smiled and pointed at your hairclip.

Before you fully faded away you told your mother one thing, "I love you too."

You woke up in a ambulance and next to you were the paramedics and Mordo.

"Oh God Y/n your awake!", he sighed relieved.

You sat up and the paramedics next to you were in shock.

"Bloody hell, you should be dead after that fall!", one if them said.

"Yeah, yeah... I also should have died in battle a few years ago.", you grunted and put your hand to your head removing your headache.

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