The Man On The Bridge

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As you fell asleep you still had a small bad feeling about what just happened with Stephen and Peter. The next morning you watched the news and just like a wonder had happened there was no mention of Peter at all. Maybe the spell didn't quite backfire that much.
As Loki fed Edda some applesauce you skimmed through the newspaper and even there was no mention of Peter being Spider-Man.

The doorbell rang and when you opened the door you were faced with Ned and Mj.
"Where is he... Where is Peter Y/N?", they asked. "Well I don't know... He was with Strange this morning. Isn't he at home?", you asked confused and slightly worried. "No he's not... May is worried as well and everything is so weird now... It's almost like everyone has forgotten about Peter being Spider-Man." Ned said. "Well how about you two come in for a second, drink some tea and I will get my keys after that. Then we will take a drive around where Peter likes to be.", you suggested and let them in.

You walked into the kitchen where Loki was already cleaning Eddas mess up." Loki we have some guests.... I will take them with me in a minute but first they need to calm down and drink some tea. ", you explained as he eyed both Mj and Ned with a confused glare. After they had emptied their cups you grabbed your car keys and left the house. As you got in Mj sat down in the passenger seat next to you and Ned was in the back. You drove around every edge of the city where Peter could have been but he was no where to be found and just like the devil himself was planning the day you were stuck on a bridge because the traffic wasn't moving forward.

The bad feeling you had in the night came back even stronger and suddenly you heard screams and something pushed your car over. With the use of magic no one got hurt and all three of you could exit the car without any trouble. But what you saw right there made your jaw almost drop to the ground. A man with small round sunglasses, a black robe and metal tentacles which came out of his back stood in front of you. Your motherly instinct kicked in and you instantly covered Ned and Mj with a spell. The man tried to reach you with his tentacles but a protective shield around you stopped him which left him confused.

Suddenly a familiar suit jumped onto the bridge landing next to you. "Peter!", you gasped and suddenly the man with the metal tentacles grabbed Peter. "Ah... Peter Parker.... So we meet again.", the man said and his voice was so familiar it let a shiver go down your spine.
"Who are you?", Peter gasped as he tried to struggle out of the tentacles grasp. "Dr. Otto Oktavius... But I'm sure you knew it already.", he chuckled and raised Peter even more into the air.
Then you suddenly realized where you knew that voice from.

Alternative reality... Dr Oktavius came from one of them. Before all of the Loki stuff happened you and Stephen were looking at alternatives of your reality just to see if your loved ones would be with you at that moment. You just heard him talk about his project but nothing else, yet it definitely was him. But what has it to do with Peter?

You quickly reacted when Oktavius tried to squeeze Peter even more and pulled Peter out of the tentacles grasps with your magic. Oktavius roared and rushed down to meet you face to face as you hid Peter behind your back.
"And what are you? His mother?", he spat.
"No... I'm Y/N Odinsdottir. Heir to the throne of Asgard and one of the last original Avengers and his godmother.", I spat back. Oktavius quickly realized who he was talking to and backed away a bit. "So you are the famous Y/N... Good work you did for the city years ago.... But I thought you were dead.", he chuckled playfully.

"I don't think I know what you are talking about.", you said and he laughed. "Oh how can you forget that? After your little lover boy Loki attacked New York you went back to your home to bring him back. You were gone for several months and then it's all around the news that you died in battle... In something called  Ragnarok.", he said and acted like it was a casual conversation and we were not standing on a bridge surrounded by cars.

" Well... That must have happened in your reality... Not in mine. ", you explained but he shrugged it off." Nevertheless you need to give me Peter.", he said and his tentacles tried to grab him from behind you. "I don't think so.", you said and smiled while throwing him across the whole bridge with your magic.

You quickly ran over to Ned and Mj along with Peter and opened a portal to the sanctum so you all could have a safe place to talk to.

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