Thors Offer

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You walked towards Loki who was sitting against a wall on the floor and plumped yourself down next to him.

You both immediately fell into each other's arms and cried.

"Did she suffer?", Loki sobbed into your hair and hugged you even tighter.

"I don't know Loki, all that I know is that I wasn't strong enough to save her. I couldn't help her, she died because of me", you turned your head to look up at him.

Loki shook his head "I don't think it was your fault y/n. You know the last thing I told her was that she isn't my mother.".

You let go of him to wipe your tears away.

"She knew that you didn't mean it Loki. She told me about your conversation but at least she didn't die in your arms knowing that you could save her and still let her die because you weren't trying hard enough."

Loki touched your forehead to enter your memories and saw how you ran out of the room to seal off Jane's door, how you fought the dark elves and how Frigga got stabbed. He saw how hard you were trying and heard her last words 'I love you, please watch your brothers...' and let go of your forehead.

"Y/n... You tried your best and honestly I'm impressed you can heal someone. Not even I can do that but because you failed one time doesn't mean you can't save someone else.

And I always wondered why mother would call you goddess of magic because your magic was equal to mine but now? ", Loki said and kissed your forehead.

" It's all this stupid midgardians fault. If she wouldn't have been here mother would have lived. Why did father even allow her to stay?! ", he ranted.

" Thor brought her here because he thought I could heal her. We discovered that the ether is inside of her and that's why father let her stay and Malekith attacked us. "

You took Loki's foot and placed it in your lap and he watched you. A green light surrounded Loki's foot and when you took your hands away his foot was completely healed and not even a small scar was left. Loki watched in amazement but was suddenly interrupted by heavy footsteps which echoed in the hallway.

You and Loki both nodded at each other and together you casted a illusion which hid you from anyone's sight.

You sat down next to Loki and laid your head down on his chest, listening to his heartbeat you watched a person approaching the cell.

The illusion of Loki walked towards the hallway meeting the person.

"Loki stop the illusions and reveal yourself. I know y/n is with you and I'm not here to take her away from you.", Thor's voice sounded as normal as ever, but you could still sense a glimpse of sadness in it.

Loki looked at you and you nodded, allowing him to let the illusion disappear.

"Now you see us brother.", you said and met your brother's gaze.

"What do you want?", Loki asked and stared at Thor.

"I have a plan, a plan to save Jane and take revenge on Malekith for mother but we need y/n and you. You both are the only ones who know the entries and exits of Asgard and we need your help.

You stared at Thor" Why would I help her? She is the only reason why mother died! ", you spat at him and walked towards the glass.

" I know you are angry at her y/n, but not even mother would be angry at her if one of us died protecting her! ", Thor calmly replied and met your eyes again. You could see into his eyes, you could see the pain he tries to hide, the worry about Jane, you and even Loki.

" I swear, if this plan backfires I'm going to let her die. I'm not taking your, Lokis or my life on the line for her.", you turned around to face Loki and he chuckled, "When do we start?".

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