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"Breathe Y/N! Breathe!", Loki said while still holding your hand. You were glad that Loki was a God because if you were holding a mortals hand it would simply been crushed by your strength. Another contraction hit you and you screamed you pushed like hell and when it ended you were exhausted like you never had been before.
"I'm so glad that I have you here Loki.... I don't think I could have done it without you.", you smiled as sweat dripped down your nose. Loki kissed your forehead as you leaned back and waited for another contraction to hit you. As it came you heard the doctor yell at you to push as hard as you could and suddenly you felt empty.

A cry could be heard, it wasn't a loud one but you could hear that it was a baby. This time it wasn't you as a baby it was your baby. Lokis eyes wandered off to his daughter, Edda. "She's beautiful...", you whispered as the doctors gave her to you, only after your afterbirth came out. Loki sat down next to you, his eyes were full of tears. "She... She looks like you...", Loki stuttered and his tears fell down his face. You were about to give Edda to him when the door burted open and you startled when you saw him in the door way.

Mordo grinned towards you and your newborn daughter. You both in unison said " too many sorcerers. ". Everything happened like in your dreams until Loki fought with Mordo. Loki wasn't beaten up by him or even hurt. He threw Mordo against the wall like you did in your dream. He was thrown through the wall and landed in the next room. You were too weak to stand up so you used your magic to fly towards Loki and Mordo still with Edda in your arms. "Too many sorcerers, huh? Why not start with yourself?", you said and touched his forehead releasing all of his power. To your right an portal opened and Stephen stepped through. He arrested Mordo as Loki guided you and your daughter back to the bed.

"It really happened....", you whispered as you handed Edda over to her father. "What really happened?", Loki asked you while looking at his daughter. "I've dreamt of this happening... I did have future telling dreams my whole life but I never noticed it until now.". "And you didn't tell me?", he exclaimed and Edda began to tear up. When she started to cry Loki immediately regretted that he became angry and yelled at you. He tried to calm Edda down with just a little success. Loki handed you your daughter and she calmed down immediately. The door burst open again and you saw Thor running in.

"Y/N, Loki? Are you both alright? I heard what happened and... She's here...", Thor stopped and smiled at you with Edda in your arms. After you let him hold her you fell asleep.

Loki p. o. v

I couldn't be happier. I have the life that wasn't meant to have, I'm living my dream. I have y/n, a beautiful daughter and even my oaf of an brother. I can't even contain my happiness right now. I was never supposed to have such an life and now? Look at me I'm a father!

"Brother.... What do you think about me marrying Y/N?", I asked after I made sure that Y/N fell asleep. Thor looked up while holding Edda in his arms. "Well it would make you a real family. We actually had that talk on the ship before... Well before you died. I don't know if you know this so I just wanted to tell you." Thor said and smiled at his niece. "She just looks like Y/N with your hair color.", Thor smiled and slowly gave Edda back to her father. "She does...", I smiled and held my sleeping newborn in my arms.
"Y/N already told me that she'll be naming her Edda.", Thor said and sat down on a chair. "I know... She thought that I would never return to her and it was one of my favorite works in literature.", Loki sighed and looked over to you. This time you were sleeping tight, no nightmares no other interruptions.

Due to you being Asgardian omyou recovered quite fast from giving birth and were allowed to leave the hospital the next day holding Edda in your arms. Thor has stayed the night to drive you home since he actually has a driver's license even though you didn't really knew if he got it because he's Thor. The fact that he had been drinking when he did his driver's license was unnerving for you sometimes but he's a good driver. Loki and you got into the back seats while Thor drove you towards your house. Now that Edda was born you and Loki had new responsibilities.

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