Rescue And Birthday

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You floated in space and looked back at Asgard.

You were crying, you lost Loki, you lost everything and couldn't go back to Asgard.

You couldn't breathe and it was cold, you saw a shining light before you blacked out.

Thor p.o.v

I saw them falling. I saw my own siblings falling while my father was pulling me up. He looked down at y/n who was now alone floating in space.

"Father I need to get her! I'm going to use mjölnir to fly to her." I didn't even wait for an answer and jumped off the bridge with Mjölnir in my hand.

I flew in y/n direction and saw that she was unconscious. I took her and went back to Asgard.

I walked into the medical wing of Asgard and laid her down in bed. She looked broken, like a small broken doll. I wonder how I never noticed how fragile she looked, not even when we were training together. She always looked so strong to me even on Jotunheim. I thought she was strong and when I saw how she hurt Laufey I knew she was powerful and stronger than me.

Now she looks so weak, like she had given up on her life. I exited the room and went to mothers room. She was waiting for me and explained to me everything about Loki, y/n and their relationship or rather said what they are. I was shocked to know that my own brother is not my brother by blood. He is a frost giant but that doesn't mean that he isn't my brother, we grew up together, shared laughs and saved our sister from Fandral multiple times and played hide and seek with each other. When mother told me Loki and y/n were soul mates I wasn't surprised.

They both acted like one person, they never left each other alone and even when I took her with me to spend time with her, Loki was always there.

They were made for each other but now that Loki is gone y/n isn't the same that she used to be.

Time skip brought to you by Thanos in a grape costume

Normal p.o.v

"Happy birthday y/n!", several people cheered.

You looked around, it has been a year since Loki fell off the bifrost and 4 months since the bifrost was repaired. You knew Loki was alive. First of all you could feel him still being there, you could feel his pain he's enduring sometimes, which let you feel sick for days but most importantly your necklace he gave you, it's still glowing green like it used to. You were sad that he wasn't here but you knew that he couldn't come back just yet, he was controlled by someone and you knew it. Today was your 17th birthday and the whole kingdom celebrated it with a big ball.

You wore a dress with a wide green skirt but the top was white. You wore the little crown Loki gave you a year ago and your hair was (Fav. Hairstyle). You stood in front of everyone in the throne room to thank them for coming. You were standing next to Odin who opened the ball by leading you to the dance floor and dancing with you.

"y/n my child. I wish you a happy birthday.", Odin whispered in your ear. You smiled at him and hugged him after the dance. The next one who danced with you was your brother Thor.

You didn't notice that you began to cry as you danced with Thor.

"y/n what's wrong?", Thor asked.

You blinked your tears away and forced a smile on your face.

"Nothing... I... I just miss him Thor... I wish he would be here today. Do you remember the birthday last year, when I turned 16?"

"Of course I do y/n, that was hilarious."

"Loki and I tricked almost everybody and he wouldn't let me dance with someone else than you or him. I miss this, I really do.", you said and broke down in Thor's arms crying.

After you calmed down you sat down next to your mother and started eating with everybody else.

You had a good time until Heimdall entered the room. He was panting as he came up to your table.

"I'm deeply sorry to interfere your dinner my king, queen, prince and princess but there is something you should know and we can't talk about it in here", Heimdall said still panting.

Odin gestured to a small room behind the throne.

You all entered the room and turned to Heimdall.

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