Bad Feeling

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The next few weeks went on like nothing ever happened. Edda and Loki were playing with toys while you cooked dinner. Thor was playing on his Ps4 and sometimes Drax along with Rocket, Quill and Mantis came to visit.
The entire time you felt like it was perfect.... Too perfect. Of course having a family now was amazing but you were used that something always happened and ripped your family apart.

One night when you were laying in bed and played with Lokis hair while he was asleep. You wondered what happened to Sylvie, if she ever got out of that place she kicked you and Loki out of. You knew that she was also a Loki but you didn't feel drawn to her at all. You smiled at the memory of her and Loki smiling at each other. Loki was deeply hurt and betrayed when Sylvie pushed us through the portals. He had just begun to love himself.... Even if it's weird that it was actually Sylvie. You wondered if you would ever see her again.

You looked out of the window and felt that something was wrong... Really really wrong. "Loki?". He didn't respond. You quickly grabbed your hair clip and opened a portal to the sanctorum. You were faced with Stephen and Peter. Stephen was working on a spell, a spell which should erase everyones memories of Peter. "Stephen? What do you think you're doing?!", you screamed knowing that the spell is extremely dangerous. As you were about to step in and stop him the spell already backfired.

A dreadful silence came over all of us.

"WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING?!", you scolded them like you were their mother. "And you!", you turned to Stephen. "You should have known better! You are the sorcerer Supreme for God's sake! Didn't Wong tell you it's dangerous?!". "He did.", Peter pointed out. "And you! What the fuck Peter? Do you really think it would be better if everyone would forget that you are Spiderman? Hmmm? Every avenger would have forgotten, MJ, Ned, YOUR AUNT!". Your hands went through your hair since you were pretty stressed. "You will work this out Stephen... This is not something I'll be a part of and fix! You did this and you'll pay for it and fix it.", you hissed and glared at him as you opened a portal back to your bedroom.
Loki was already waiting.

"Are you alright?", Loki who sat in bed asked. "Ugh... Stephen might have ruined our universe.... He... He worked on a spell which would erase everyone's memories about Peter being Spiderman. Obviously it backfired.... What an Idiot!", you exclaimed and punched the bedframe breaking it. You sighed when you saw your bloody knuckles and the broken bedframe. A simple spell repaired the frame and Loki healed your hand. " So... That was what I've been feeling a few minutes ago... ", he said and carefully kissed my hand pulling me in the bed and into his arms.

"I guess so... The last time I felt like that was when.... When I dreamt about Mordo trying to kill me and Edda.".
Loki nodded understanding of the situation and pulled you back into the bed.
"You know.... I wouldn't ever have thought that we would end up like this.", Loki chuckled as your head was on his chest.
"What do you mean?", you hummed, eyes still closed. "I never thought we would be here on earth, having the best time and a daughter. I would have thought we would still be on Asgard and that Ragnarok was still far far away.".
"Well... You never really can tell the future.", you sighed. "Loki?". "Hmmm...", he hummed in response.

"Do you think Sylvie got out of that place? And if she did where is she now?". Loki stiffened a bit under you but relaxed immediately when your hand drew circles on his chest.
"I think she got out... She's me.... Well you know what I mean by that. She's a Loki, she probably found a way out. As to where she is.... I don't have the slightest idea to be honest. I just hope that she's okay and not on a revenge trip looking for us.", he said and squeezed you closer to him. You looked up at him and saw tears in his eyes." Oh God... I'm sorry darling.... I shouldn't have brought this topic up.... ", you apologized but he shook his head.

" It's alright... I just remembered how scared I was that something could happen to you and further.... Edda.".

The soft side of Loki... You know that Loki always was vulnerable but you never have seen him like that since you were children.

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