Not You!

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"See you in hell monster!", Loki groaned and held his chest.

You looked over to the huge creature as it exploded and was sucked up in a black hole.

You knelt down next to him and laid him down on your lap so he would at least be comfortable.

"It's gonna be okay... I can help!", you started to cry at the thought of losing another important person in your life.

You laid your hands on his chest and he covered yours with his bloody ones.

You felt his warm blood run through your fingers and saw your and his hand turn grey.

Loki looked up at you and smiled "It's gonna be okay y/n ".

Thor walked over to you and plumped down next to you holding Lokis and which was still on yours.

"No, no! You can't die Loki! Y/n is going to save you!", Thor exclaimed and tears started to rise in his eyes.

"No she can't... She is already trying her best but I will still die.", Loki coughed and looked up to you and tears fell on his face.

Your hands glowed green and you tried really hard to save him but it didn't really work.

"I'll tell father what you did!", Thor said and smiled at Loki.

He replied "I didn't do it for him." and as he finished his head fell back into your lap and his eyes turned grey.

You saw a green glow underneath your armor and took out your necklace. It was blinking and then it turned off and the green glow was gone, Loki was dead.

You didn't realize that Thor was talking to you until he shook you.

"Y/n! We need to leave, now!", Thor screamed at your face but you didn't show any emotion and just stared at him. Jane walked up behind Thor and looked at you and then at the dead Loki in your lap. She clapped her hands over her mouth and began to cry as she saw your expression.

It was cold and your skin was pale as if you were dead, there was no glow in your eyes like it used to be, there was only emptiness.

"No... I won't leave him Thor. You go and get Malekith but I won't leave him."

"I'm not leaving my sister behind y/n!"

You looked up and met his gaze.

"Go... Take Jane with you please... I don't want to hurt any of you... Please just go... I will be back in Asgard when you're back. Just leave me behind... Please", you begged Thor but there was no emotion heard in your voice. You were broken, you lost your mother and now your soul mate.

Even though Thor tried to convince you to go with them he soon gave up and was beamed away by the bifrost.

You looked down at the limp and lifeless body in your lap.

You bent down and gave him a kiss on his lips and started to heal him again in hope it would work this time.

You were however distracted by an almost see-through silhouette.

Next to you stood Loki... Not alive but his soul was standing next to you.

"Loki get back in your body now!", you screamed at the soul of Loki who was surprised that you could see him.

Your hands glowed even more green and the glow surrounded Lokis body. Lokis soul was pulled to his body and disappeared in it.

Soon after Loki jolted up and breathed in, his hands on his now healed chest.

You looked down on your necklace and it was now glowing green again.

You smiled as Loki turned around and he pulled you into a deep and passionate kiss.

Your hands moved up to cup his cheeks and you pulled away of the lack of oxygen.

"Never do that again you dumbass!", you hit his shoulder and hugged him immediately afterwards.

"Never die or save you?", he chuckled.

"You know because of my shield he couldn't even do a thing to me right? If you save me please don't risk your life. I can't lose you.", you said and got up pulling Loki up with you.

"Princess y/n! You are okay! Your father sent me to get you and... Wait... Prince Loki. You are alive?!", a guard approached you two and you turned around.

"I'm sorry my prince but I need to arrest you.", the guard stuttered and looked at you who was walking in front of Loki to protect him.

"If you even think of touching him or putting him in chains I will rip your head off your body and bring you to hell myself.", you spät and glared at the guard who was frightened by your threat.

He moved his hand to his belt and swung out his sword. "I'm sorry princess but I have to. Either I can arrest him peacefully without fighting or I'm willing to hurt you.", the guard responded but you just smirked.

You looked at Loki and gave him the signal to stay back. "Try me." was the only thing you said before the guard attacked you.

You simply dug everytime he threw a hit at you until he lost balance and tripped over.

After he got up he threw the sword at you but his aim was bad so that the sword flew by only 5 meters away from your head.

Now he was attacking you with his bare hands but little did he know you had your small shield up and once he reached it it burned his hand.

He screamed and fell backwards holding his hand.

He tried to stand up but failed as you walked over to him.

"It didn't have to come this way.", you said and gave him a sad smile.

The guard tried to get up again but then screamed in pain. You had thrown a sword which you conjured out of nowhere and it was stuck in his chest. The guard let out a few shaky breaths before he died.

You turned around to see that Loki had transformed himself into the guard so he could take you back to Asgard without being noticed.

You smiled at him but snapped your fingers.

"What did you do?", Loki asked and looked confused.

"I've put a spell on you so that Heimdall won't see you as Loki, but as the person you transformed into, just don't let yourself be seen changing into someone else or this spell will be broken.", you said and put on a sad face to make it look like you've lost Loki.

You called Heimdall and the Bifrost took you back to Asgard.

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