The new family member

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A scream filled the hallways in front of Asgards nursery, followed by another one.

King Odin and his sons were waiting in the hallway, Odin was pacing around with Thor on his shoulders while Loki the younger one sat by the window with a small picture book in his hands and a light green plush snake.

Then a cry could be heard. It was a small and not loud one but you could clearly hear that it was a baby. 5 minutes later the doors opened and a nurse came out "you can see the queen now and congratulations my king. But please remember young princes, your mother is exhausted so please don't be too loud. ", the nurse explained to Odin and the young princes. All three entered the room to see the queen, Frigga laying in bed with a small pink bundle in her arms." Loki, Thor! Come and greet your sister y/n. ", Frigga said with a smile on her lips. Thor got set down by Odin onto the bed while the little two year old Loki needed to waddle to the bed and somehow climb on it to see his new sibling. Thor took a glimpse at the newborn" Mommy? Why is it so small? What do we do with it? ", Thor asked his mother. '' First of all Thor this is not an it, it's an she and she is your little sister and I want you Thor and I want that you Loki protect her. She is your little sister and she'll grow Thor, just like Loki did", Odin's voice boomed through the room causing the little baby to cry. Loki touched the newborn's face to wipe away the tears. Loki's eyes lit up as he touched the small face of the girl and she stopped crying. He poked her nose and she giggled and her blue green eyes met his blue green ones. He held his little plush in front of her face and she grabbed it. Loki laughed and smiled happily at his mother "Mommy, gift! Gift for y/n!", Loki mumbled out and hugged his mother. Odin took the little girl out of her mothers grasp and held her and her new snake plush in his strong arms. "You shall be a wise child. You shall be the one who will guide others to the good side and show them what happiness means. You shall be a good little sister to my boys and they will treat you well just like you will.", Odin whispered into the girl's ear while she fell asleep in his arms.

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